Astiroth pulled his sword out of the wolf's corpse. He looked around and noticed that the Orc group was dead. He did hear something about a chieftain but didn't put much thought into it. He didn't think now was the time. He grabbed hold of the wolf and layed it across his shoulders. It was rather heavy but he expected it. It's weight wasn't anything Astiroth couldn't handle, plus he had its weight evenly distributed so he wouldn't mess up his back. He walked with the group and noticed a girl slowing down to walk beside him. He heard her say his name and he looked at her. He saw her give a smile and comment on his skill as well as ask about the hood blocking his sight. Astiroth sighed making sure to keep his voice down in case of another qrc group was near by. "You can't tell but I'm smiling back." He said to her before he thought about the question she had asked. "Come to think of it...the hood doesn't really hinder my sight. I still managed to see you take a peak at me so I'd say I'm good to go. Many people think the hood hinders my vision but it doesn't. Not like any would think anyway. The black mass you see that covers my face is actually generated by this hood. It's a magic hood so I'm sure you can tell where I came from. I stole this hood couple years ago to be honest. I grew up on the streets so learning to steal was my only option. Didn't really have parents. Never met them anyway. Anyway, the hood is enchanted with dark magic. That is what gives me this dark appearance." Astiroth continued to walk and thought for a bit. "This wolf is gonna make a nice coat." Astiroth wasn't really sure what else to say. He never really held up a conversation unless he was negotiating and this wasn't one of those situations. "Thanks. Not a lot of people think that because I prefer words that I can't fight. So thanks for the compliment. Your not bad yourself. Your quick on your feet."