[quote=LesleyDrakken] How many characters are we allowed? I'm only asking because I have two that would be perfect for this, and while I can play them separately they're also really interesting together. They're sort of pals and their stories go right along with each others.Also, what is the fate of the Jews in this timeline/is there any possibility of having a Jewish character? (Need to know this because one of my characters is a concentration camp survivor. I know that's a bit of a touch and go issue, but I've spent a lot of time practicing to make sure I can play him right, so I'm hoping that's acceptable. I also understand if its not and would be happy to play my American character by himself.) [/quote] just so things don't get to cluttered, you can have a maximum of three characters. and about the fate of the Jews, well since Hitler was able to use the Metahumans as a way of showing the possibility of an Aryan pure super race of humans, it made more people become loyal to him and follow his ideals so the Holocaust and persecution of the Jews became worse. The Jews are still alive but a lot more are dead and if you have a Jewish character who is a Metahuman and a survivor of a concentration camp than just know that they would have to be in hiding since the Nazi's wouldn't want them to possibly show that non Aryan people could have incredible powers, so you can make a Jewish character just know that they would be wanted dead more than a non-Jewish rebel.