[quote=Jangel13] Angelo simply smiled and let him finish again watching how he reacted and his body language meant that he was hurting inside from his past but he doesn't know how to live today. "no your in the right I shouldn't pry into your business. im just saying that you shouldn't hold onto the past so tightly. I felt a lot like you at one point so I just felt like I should give you advice so you don't end up regretting what you do for your future. Hell your probably right about the guild not speaking for everyone but let me ask you, does that matter? the guild accepts you and that's all that really matters, it doesn't matter if the whole world hates your guts! cause in phoenix wing we stand by our own" Angelo said smiling showing him the phoenix wing symbol tattooed on Angelo's left shoulder blade in green. "the only reason I can smile like this is because I have a place I can call home, same as you" Angelo said softly smiling as he feed mark some more bread [/quote] Still looking away from Angelo, Wes began to tightly grip the side of the ship hard as he couldn't control himself. "Felt like you. I wish my life was similar to yours instead of being so different than everyone else. Just shut up and stop patronizing me with your smiles and your annoying pats from earlier, I'm not some animal! My past isn't something that can be easily forgotten or overlooked, people will still remember my past even if I forget it, it's really something that can't be forgotten very easily. I joined the guild knowing that I could potentially risk lives there, that's why I'm rarily there! That's why I gotta keep searching while I still have time and not waste it! Time is-" Wes suddenly stopped when he realized that the water below got closer and then realized he was accidentally slowly pushing the gravity on the ship down towards the water. Wes sighed as he slowly release his hand from gripping the ship hoping that no one notice the ship return back the its normal height from the water. "Waves feeling funny isn't it. I'm going to just sit on the other end of the ship , I just need some time alone. Call me when we're there." He said while slowly walking away.