With his business completed it was it time for Rilr to head out to find some other artefact. This time he would probably try towards the coast seeing as how little he has found in the mountains to the west. The streets were filled with people going about their daily lives. He wondered how many of them were mages and came to a conclusion that it couldn't have been many - magic was only seen as a tool to help them a small amount by most people and thus they wouldn't use it. As Rilr neared the town gate there was a decrease in the amount of people around him. Maybe leaving the town was an outrageous prospect to most? Or was there some event going on Rilr had simply missed? He didn't care, chances are he wouldn't come back to this specific place for at least three weeks. By then everyone will have forgotten and things will have changed. That was both the most interesting part of his vagrant styled life but at the same time it made it seem depressing. Whenever he went back to a place there was always something new that wasn't there before - nothing radical but still it was interesting. However there was also the fact that no one ever remembered Rilr. He just wasn't in town for long enough and so he was like a ghost of some form. Rilr vanquished the thought from his mind as he boarded the carriage and payed the driver, soon he should be in Hargeon. He'd heard of a sea-cave there which hadn't been explored fully which should make for an interesting opportunity.