Sasha planted her feet when Mayt stumbled, holding on so he wouldn't fall to the ground, and pulling back, until he got his feet back under him. Despite being small, or rather, average height for a girl, Sasha was quite strong.Sasha smiled, and mused for a minute, nodding, "There's always plenty to learn for anyone. Even if you think you've learned everything, you could teach someone, and still learn more-different ways of using your magic and so forth. Or at least that's what my Mentor told me" She said with a shrug, blinking as he started swinging their hands, and then she smiled. "You can still be apart of Phoenix wing, and stay in a small group. You can take jobs when you want to too, as long as you have money to pay for living and such. You can form a team, there's a few of them in the Guild at the moment" She said, enjoying just talking like this as they walked. There was something...reassuring in it, just talking casually, thinking on magic and the likes. Talking with Mayt was easy, and she liked it. She looked up ahead, and then up at the sun, trying to figure out how long they had been walking, and how far they had to go. "uh, we're probably about half way there, I think" She said, with a soft laugh, "The city without sound isn't far away, really, so long lost in the mountains" She said, "We should be there soon" She said, "But I think it would be wise to rest before we start looking for the herb"