[quote=WinterNightSky]Just as she was about to put it inside her mouth, she paused, "Wait, I don't share. You can pull out a new fork for me, right? You know. Magic." She said the last part with a silly smile on her face, and there was a glint of amusement in her eyes. Although she was used to them having supernatural abilities, calling it magic just seemed slightly ridiculous to her. She was never going to get used to that.[/quote] Jim laughed at Victoria’s mention at the word “magic”. There was no better term for the skills that the members of The Troupe possessed, and every time in was mentioned it made Jim feel a little childish about the whole thing. “Of course, how silly of me!” Jim took his hat off his head with a flourish and began to dig around inside. [i]Never miss an opportunity for a little showmanship[/i] Jim thought to himself. He began to pull all manner of trinkets from his hat. A rubber chicken, a spoon, a funnel cake, an alarm clock and finally a fork was produced from the hat. Jim allowed the other objects to clatter to the ground as he handed Victoria the fork. “I knew that I had one in there!” [quote=WinterNightSky]Victoria brought her attention to Vincent as he smoked on a newly lit stick, "Cigar as always. You know. 6 years from now, you're going to quit smoking." She joked -or lied, either way, she just wanted to see how he would react to it. Before he could answer though, she looked back at James, "The show tonight is going to be packed with people. Don't ask how I know, cause you already do."[/quote] [quote=22ice22]Taking one last inhale he removed the still quite fresh cigar from his mouth and snuffed it on his palm, ignoring the slight burn it caused. "119 years, yet I'm stills nots looking forward to it," he sighed quietly. Then looking at James he spoke, "Well Jimmy looks likes this is my last show with The Troupe. I's only gots six years ands I stills gots a lots I wants and gots to do." Walking forward Vincnet placed his cigar in Jimmy's pocket, "Don'ts gots time for dat one, gots to pack."[/quote] Jim laughed and patted the cigar in his pocket, “I will treasure it always my friend!” Jim took a few steps back towards his trailer, “I will see you two this evening! I have a few more things to get ready for this evening, see you at show time!” -----------------------------------------------------------------------A FEW HOURS LATER--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim was standing backstage, a curtain separated him from the growing crowd of people. It was a decent sized crowd, larger than what Jim expected to turn up for such a small town. No one else was back stage with him, like every other show. The rest of his troupe-mates always did enjoy not showing up until the last possible moment. He couldn’t blame them though, milking the last possible minutes of downtime before the show began. Speaking of which, it was show time. Jim stepped out from behind the curtain and shouted to the large audience of people, smiling and twirling his mustache with glee. “Welcome one and all to a show the likes of which you have never seen! I am James The Displacer and I will be starting our festivities this evening!” Jim took his hat and removed it from his head, smacking the rim with the tips of his fingers against the brim he released a half dozen doves into the tent. The crowed oohed and aahed as the doves found their way out of tent. [i]This is gonna be easy[/i] Jim thought to himself. “Now for my next trick I will need a volunteer from the audience.” Hands shot up all across the tent, and eventually Jim’s eyes fell to a young boy. Kids were always Jim’s favorite to perform for, you could see the magic in their eyes. “You! Little boy, left side second row, fifth seat from the right!” The little boy giggled and ran up to Jim, jumping up and down with excitement. Jim crouched down, so he was more at the same height as the boy. “Now what Is your name my new assistant?”. “Grant! But all my friends call me Poca!” The boy said to the mustached performer. “Well Grant,” Jim said removing his hat, “I want you to reach in here, and you can keep whatever you find!” Grant’s face lit up and he immediately stuck his arm into the top hat. They boy’s arm sank into the hat, and to the audience it seemed to go deeper than it should have. After a few moments of rummaging the boy removed his hand and produced a large beach ball, fully inflated. The crowd gasped at the trick, they were putty in his hands. Jim continued performing tricks such as this for about another twenty five minutes, and the crowd ate it up. Finally it was time for him to leave, “Thank you everyone! However I can assure you that I am merely an opening act! The real show is about to begin!” Jim took a quick bow and ran backstage and took a seat at one of the few chairs sitting around for the performers after they finished. This was an amazing crowd, and Jim couldn’t wait to who would perform next.