Tia nodded at Terry’s response as she took a sip of her hot chocolate. She was glad that she was holding her hot chocolate, as well as wearing her backpack Jeff gave her when Emerson somehow transported her here. “Well, I’m not sure if I can say that it’s nice to meet you seeing the situation that we are in but nonetheless, my name is Tia.” The girl said with a slight smirk before continuing. “Did guys in suits come after you as well? They visited me and my family as we were leaving the hospital and from what I could gather we’re going to some sort of institution, or rather a school for freaks as one of them loosely stated. Either way, my brothers were quite pissy when they came to visit me so if you ask me I don’t think these guys should be trusted.” --- “Likewise.” Josiah said as he joined Jason besides the tree and watched the bus as it got closer to the school. After hearing Jason offer his snack, Josiah gave a slight shrug before responding. “Sure, why not.” Josiah said as he grabbed some of Jason’s snack. As he was munching on his snacks, he listened as Jason spoke. “Yeah, I’m the illusionist. It can be fun messing with people sometimes but I always have to make sure I ground myself in what’s real since I can see the illusions as well. However, I have to say that your abilities are amazing. Not everyone in this school is able to make up for a mutation like you can with your blindness. On top of that, you can teleport as well. That must be very handy for you.” Josiah said with a slight chuckle as he grabbed another chip. As the bus pulled up, he could see the new arrivals looking out the bus with a mixed reaction. “I wonder who’s going to be the runner this time. There’s always someone that tries run on the first day hoping to escape. Last time is was a girl in the ninth grade I think. At least she wasn’t as bad as the kid that pulled the fire alarm in the middle of the night a few years back hoping to escape during the chaos. As long as my roommate isn’t a runner I’ll be fine. I rather have my sleep uninterrupted tonight.”