"...As we await you, oh God of silence, we embrace your holy night." By now Argo's throat was hurting, which was strange given he was barely two verses in and he wasn't pushing his voice at all. He coughed in hopes to clear his throat, too busy to hear the cheerful Uego in the background clapping without sound, exclaiming, [b]"Bravo, bravo!"[/b] At this point Argo hadn't stopped coughing, his throat and lungs burning as an itch that couldn't be scratched lurked in his neck. His stomach convulsed as though trying to force the cough into a vomit, releasing nothing but air in loud burps that would've been comedic had Argo not desperately needed air. [b]"See, I'm gonna need a bit of payment,"[/b] sweetly continued Uego as she circled around Argo's convulsing body. Blood and spit finally came out in spatters, dribbling down his chin and coating the back of his palm with red, flaky dots. [b]"And I wanna help you, I do, but I can't do that without something in return."[/b] Sweat gathered underneath Argo's bangs, falling over his eyes and mixing with tears of pain. He fought desperately to take a breath, Uego's speech was taking too damn long, inhaling sharply mid cough and sending him into a more painful spasm. Acid burned at his throat, phglem and blood gathering to dribble out his mouth, his nose leaking scum. [b]"And since you seem quite fond of that voice of yours, I'll just be taking that,"[/b] cheered Uego as she patted Argo's back, cooing, [b]"And in exchange I've given you such a marvelous gift~."[/b] There was silence spare the settling rubble and Argo's gut wrenching heaving, Uego's sweet smile distorting to an exaggerated frown. Her voice, a pitch higher, scratched like nails on a blackboard as she asked, [b]"I'm being so kind. Don't I get a thank you?"[/b] "Th.." gasped Argo, sweat and blood causing his shirt to stick to his chest, his voice weak, his neck red, "Thank y-" his voice was replaced with vomit, his dinner rising and mixing with the blood, falling onto the ground. Panting, Argo weakly raised his hands to wipe at his shirt, the edges of his mouth covered in cuts from forcing his jaw so much. His stomach weakly clenched in emptiness, beads of sweat and tears mixing as they fell from his long blonde lashes and over his dirtied face. Gasping, Argo opened his mouth to try thanking Uego again, only for strain in his throat, a sharp pain rushing through him as though he were being stabbed in the neck repeatedly. He tried again, with the same result, no noise coming out but hot air and sometimes bits of blood that had been stuck in his throat. [b]"Well, I reckon that should be fine, given that you tried,"[/b] mewed Uego in a sing song voice the mimicked Argo's. [b]"You're [i]very[/i] much welcome. I wish you good luck, my little damsel in distress~"[/b] Uego reached in for a hug only to disappear in a huff of smoke, with a stench so great Argo retched again in accidentally inhaling it. Small gasps escaped his mouth as his eyes wandered his lonesome surroundings, deciding to head in the opposite direction of the collapsing city. No shit Argo, he thought to himself as he turned away, his shoes scraping against the blood he'd spilled on the ground. Maybe he should just stay in place instead. Hide for a bit. Collect himself.