Rilr disembarked from the carriage. His journey to Hargeon, unlike Magnolia the small harbour town was rather peaceful - probably due to it smaller population. It was time to find some information in this cave, he began to wander chatting to the locals every hour or so when he stopped for a break. Three hours into his search he sat down at a small parlour next the the harbour. It was a quiet time of day for the shipping lanes so there was generally very little commotion for the harbour masters to worry about. After he ordered his drink he was soon joined at his table by a stranger. Short - about 5'2" - with a large scar down her left cheek. They began to talk casually when she unexpectedly dropped the topic about the cave. Just then Rilrs head began the throb - the beginnings of his frequent headaches. They didn't bother him since they were mild but they did offer a brief distraction. Allegedly this woman had ventured into the cave before and all she came out with was that scar from something residing within it. What really interested Rilr however was how to get into the cave. At high tide it was completely submerged however at low tide you had to climb a cliff. That shouldn't be even in the harshest of storms. Something magical was in that cave for such a phenomenon to occur. Last time Rilr ran into such a thing he found his first and only artefact - admittedly he needed the help of two others - and a fine artefact it was. A sort of cylindrical piece of equipment with a valve. According to the people who he got in touch with it was capable of absorbing someone's energy - allowing them to sneak past any magical sensors - and then restore it. The way it accomplished this is unknown but is also stopped the regeneration of magic. So naturally Rilr couldn't carry that around with him. It was still his by law but the council in Magnolia held it under strict conditions. If Rilr could be bothered to do the incredibly large amount of paperwork to take it with him he could have it back. Fortunately he found the thing rather useless so it never came to that. So he was left with a few hours to spare, he thanked the woman - who introduced her self as Tina - and left to wonder until the exact moment he needed to access the cave - midway between high to low tide.