[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] Sonja continued reading for a moment before he realized that someone had just been talking to him. Looking up, he saw the other girl sitting there and wondered how long she had been there. "Sonja," he replied, adjusting his glasses. After a brief moment of quiet, or at least as quiet as he thought it could be in the noisy cafeteria, he noticed that she looked uncomfortable. Perhaps she wasn't used to the school yet; the year had just started, after all. "Are you new here?" [/quote] [quote=Yog Sothoth] James wasn't having much luck with finding other Virgo students so he decided to head to the cafeteria. When he got there, he got himself a turkey sandwich and looked around for a place to sit. His eyes saw two students sitting near a corner and James decided that he should be social since this was his first year at the academy. He walked over to Selene and Sonja."Hello, do you mind if I sit here?" he said to them as he placed his plate on the table and waited for their response. [/quote] Selene sighed slightly, "no I'm not new here simply prefer my own company." She murmured her hair was covering her golden coloured eye her blue one looking around for a moment. Flicking her redish brown locks over her shoulder she noticed another coming towards where she and Sonja sat. "Most people here are to loud for my liking." She noticed James sit down and took a breath as he asked if it was ok for him to join them. "Yeah I don't see why not." She whispered as her hand came across a lettuce leaf bring it to her lips just with her power showing she was an earth user although not what type. Looking across the cafeteria she sighed a little the outwardly shy 17 year old was trying her best to communicate with the two sitting at the table with her. "So what zodiacs are you?" She asked trying to make conversation as she continued to fed herself the salad by her own power.