Do you guys have a preferred scenario on how this starts and why the characters would be at the hospital in the first place? Scribbling down some ideas, I've got the following: - Each member of the group has been approached by a well dressed and mysterious gentleman, who has convinced them to go to the hospital and stay the night. The people who remain inside all night, will receive a huge monetary reward. When pressed on why he's picked them, and what he's up to, he will tell them that he is the host of an up and coming TV game show. This would allow for a wide variety of characters, but all would be linked by one thing: the need for money. - A group of kids/young adults, looking for a good time, stumble upon the hospital out of happen chance. Bored, and with not much else to do on a Saturday night, they decide to have themselves a booze/drug fuelled party. What could go wrong? - A team of policemen/women are sent to investigate reports of strange events surrounding the hospital. Such complaints have been long standing from the local residence, but police are finally are forced to respond when a couple of teenagers vanish shortly before being seen entering the building. This team would include a couple of detectives, perhaps a forensics man, and a few regular officers. - A team of paranormal investigators arrive at the hospital after hearing of its rich haunted history. Equipped with the latest in ghost-finding technology, they hope to finally prove that their field of science is more than just theory and fantasy. Team would likely consist of a professor of some kind, camera/sound people/person, one or two computer-geeks (for operating the more complex machines) and perhaps a 'bodyguard' type character there for their protection, you know, in case they run into a crack den. This would require us to do a tiny bit of reading on what things ghost hunters actually do use, because although I've seen them in a bazillion films, I don't actually know what they're called, what they do or how they work. (I know it's electrical field related) That's all I got so far, but totally open to anyone else's ideas. If you like any of the above, give us a shout out. Quicker I know what kind of characters you guys wanna play, the quicker I can start getting everything written out :)