Character sheet for your "Real Life" Character Names:Seph And Tern Ages:20 Appearances: [url=]Here it is[/url] General Personalitys:Seph is talkative and friendly and likes to make jokes all the time, whether it is an appropriate time or not. He can be a little bit competitive and make a fool of himself, but he doesn't really care-as is confidence is so high that he can just laugh it off and then talk about something else as if nothing had ever happened. Tern is a silent person who never talks and uses sign language to explain what the message that he wants to relay to others. He likes to ask questions, but most of all he wants companionship and he cares for his brother Seph more then anything. Both of the Twins are tremendous loyal to their friends and brave enough to stand up to anyone or do anything if they have a good enough reason to do so. Char sheet for your "Game" Character Screen Name:Seph and Tern Race:Hyurs Class:Rangers Appearance: [url=]Here it is[/url](Same thing for Tern except with orange armour