[hider=Zombies]APPEARANCE: [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/97/3b/01/973b01d9bb3acaf84d0e0a8b720dedd4.jpg [/img] NAME: Richoux, Vincent AGE: 36 SEX: M PERSONALITY: Vincent has never been a quiet person. He is always the kind of person who talks to people he doesn't even know. Vincent is an eternal optomist and believes that everything happens for a reason. He is not one to give in to despair or try to alleviate his pain with drugs or alcohol. Vincent has always been a person to help those in need. He is the kind of person who thinks things over before making a choice. NATIONALITY: Canadian MILITARY BRANCH: Royal Canadian Navy RANK: Lieutenant-Commander SPECIALIZATION: Medical Officer BACKGROUND: Vincent was born in Canada, more specifaically in Ontario. His family wasn't the richest nor the poorest family. Vincent's father worked as a surgeon in a hospital. His mother worked as store clerk. Vincent was the fifth child in the family and the only male. In High School, Vincent ran Cross Country and ranked first in Long Distance Sprinting. It was actually Cross Country that got him into college. College went well for Vincent who majored in Medical Sciences. Yet all that was ruined when Vincent recived a knee injury. Vincent dropped out of college at twenty years of age. After a few months, Vincent joined the Royal Canadian Navy in hopes of getting a free pass into medical school. He passed the examinations and went through basic training. Vincent was sent in to the Specilizations training of a Medical Officer. Vincent was twenty-seven when he completed a Masters degree in Surgery. With his degree completed, Vincent went into active service as a Naval Cadet. A few years later, Vincent had been bumped up several ranks to Lieutenant-Commander after saving the lives of several enlisted. When Vincent was thirty-five, he learned he had a fifteen year old daughter. Vincent took a few weeks off duty to get to know his daughter. When the Valhalla was quartined, Vincent's daughter asked him to go get her 'dad'. Vincent agreed and voluntered for RAGNAROK. SKILLS: -Advanced First Aid -Basic Rifle Training -Advanced Handgun Training -Long Distance Sprinting LIKES: Vincent like people and cats. He also likes cute things. DISLIKES: Death and failure. REASON FOR VOLUNTEERING: "My daughter asked me to."[/hider]