Alright, thanks, that's reasonable. I'll make my CSs now~ Name: Murray Faulkner Age: 88, looks 30 or so. He ages, but very slowly. Gender: Male Appearance: A mountain of a man, broad-shouldered and well-built, although his body is unusually battered and worn from a difficult and active life. He has a relatively small face and boney cheeks; his black hair is short, and straight. He tends to be scruffy a lot, and usually has a beard no matter how hard to tries to stay clean shaven and up to code. Nationality: American Allegiance: Allies Powers: -Inhuman Strength -High Endurance -Longevity -A minor thing, but it seems like he could literally stuff his face with food all day long and never be done eating. A literal bottomless pit, it's unlikely that winning eating competitions will help him beat the Nazis, but who knows. Equipment: One half of a pair of dog tags, an M1 carbine rifle, reading glasses. Personality: Outwardly outgoing, friendly, and upstanding. Could easily be called a gentle giant, although he is generally aware of his strength and tries his best to not accidentally harm people with it. While not brilliantly book smart, he is also reasonably intelligent when it comes to practical matters from his years in the military. On the other hand, while he is reasonably warm to everyone, only a few people are truly close to him. He suffers from hair-trigger rages that have alienated several of the people he once considered good friends, as well as his ex-wife and children. When angered this way, Murray loses any pretense of self control and can be extremely dangerous to anyone who gets in his way. History: Murray has been around for a very long time- he first fought for the Confederacy as a young boy in the American Civil War. Since that time, he has felt obligated to use his slow aging and inhuman endurance to serve his country every time it went to war. Although he had the best of intentions, this constant lifelong struggle has had a troubling effect on his mind and body, and he's starting to show symptoms of arthritis as well as the disorder that will eventually come to be known as PTSD. Still, when duty called, he came to fight again, knowing that world safety could hinge on an allied victory and wanting to be there to help ensure that happens. ______ Name: Mendel Wallach Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: A youthful looking man with short brown hair and messy bangs. Not at all short, but his personality can make him seem like a small shadow in the presence of more lively people, and so 'shadow' may be the perfect way to describe him. He's as pale as a ghost, and there's a quiet sickness in his eyes blatantly suggestive of the things he's seen. Nationality: Polish Jew Allegiance: Allies Powers: -A wolf man, if not a fullblown werewolf, and has the ability to shift in and out of this state at will. Hampered by the fact that he rarely has the presence of mind once shifted to change back, and can be uncontrollably violent. He also doesn't seem to remember much from his rampages afterward, and ends up dazed and confused. Equipment: The other half of a pair of dog tags, M1 Carbine rifle. The dog tag has the phrase 'save our souls' etched into the back of it with a sharp piece of rock. Personality: He's incomparably quiet and bookish, and yet his presence seems to be as big as whatever room he's in. Ever since his escape, he's been playing it safe by staying under the radar and playing second fiddle to Murray. The truth is though, under his withdrawn demeanor is the heart of a fighter, and Mendel is nothing if incredibly brave and reckless. There's an inner fire that motivates him to great heights, although it sometimes also puts him in harms way. He almost always seems to be on the edge of seething over, as if he's carefully waiting for his time to take revenge for what was done to him in the past. Still, he was very young when the war began, and his inexperience still shows. He's bound to make all kinds of harrowing mistakes on his path to comeuppance, and only time will tell if he can learn enough to make it out of this alive. History: Mendel was born, an average human, in southern Poland what must seem to him like centuries ago, to a rather large but average and decidedly happy family. To the Nazis he was simply another soul to crush, and he along with the whole of his family found themselves directly in the center of the horrors from this war. However what Mendel didn't know at the time was that his suffering would take a drastic turn toward a whole new level of sinister. Hitler wished to use supermen to rule the world, but not before he used so-called 'sub humans' to test the lethality of his soldiers. An entire mob of them where let loose on the camp where Mendel was imprisoned, free to do what they wished to the people being held there. In the ensuing chaos, Mendel was savagely attacked by one metahuman in particular, a man who resembled a monstrous wolf. He thought for sure he was going to die, and indeed that was probably very much the intention. As he lay there bleeding to death, he lost consciousness. He didn't know how much later it was, but he awoke to the smell of fire and burning bodies. All around him, prisoners and Nazi soldiers alike had been viciously murdered, and several tankers of gasoline had somehow ignited to form a massive explosion. Whats more, he was still near death, in no better condition then he had been before. Then, out of nothing, a hand reached out and grabbed him, pulling him from the fiery remains of that tragic place. ______ (And a bit of shared backstory here) And semblance of a relationship between Murray and Mendel has been a long time coming, but the shared bond of war has kept them together through everything despite their differences. When it became clear that Mendel wanted to fight, Murray taught him to use a gun and mobilized him as an American soldier, helping him develop fake identities to stay hidden from the Nazis. They are brothers, and their ability to work together in the field grows stronger with each combat situation they find themselves in. Mendel still wishes to discover the truth about what happened to him at the camp and the true nature of his powers, something which Murray is attempting as much as he can to assist with.