Hygui swore softly to himself as Kinn reminded him of his sensitivity to sunlight. He had nearly killed the vampire before he even had the chance to truly cure him! "Of course, I'm terribly sorry about that." He said sincerely, his tone holding a bit of sheepishness in it as well. "I will make sure that I provide you with a wagasa the next time we take a trip outside so that you will have even more protection from the sun." The king informed Kinn with a smile before gesturing that he follow him once more; Hyugi did not want to keep the vampire out in the sun any longer than he had to be. In any case, he could always look at the garden from one of the walkways if he ever wanted to come back with the vampire. Once they were back on one of the open hallways, Hyugi paused a moment so that he could think of where to take Kinn next. Outdoor gardens were out of the question (at least, during the day time it was); He already saw the dining area and most of the rooms in the castle were [I]just[/I] rooms--nothing too special--but Hyugi figured that he could show Kinn the castle's training area for his samurai. "I'll show you the training area next." The king finally announced with a slight smile before leading the vampire down another series of hallways, though he was careful to avoid the ones that were fully exposed to the sun, which was now climbing steadily into the sky. Soon, the sounds of determined grunts and swords clashing against each other rang in the air, signifying that they were approaching the training grounds. "You'll be able to see the whole training grounds from up here." Hygui stated with a hint of excitement as he ascended a flight of stairs that would eventually led to another open hallway in which they could view the training grounds from. While the king wasn't one to brag, he was certainly proud of his samurai. As expected, they were hard at work, despite how relatively early it was. Some men were dressed in simple cotton pants and shirts, punching and kicking away at stuffed dummies with deadly strength. Others were fully clad in bright red gusoku and, with a sword in hand, they practiced sword play with each other. A man would occasionally fall while trying to do a jump kick or get his sword knocked out of his hand by a fellow samurai but in the end, he would get right back up and fight once again. That's what Hyugi liked about them; they were strong and seemingly invincible...unlike himself. "I wish I could train like that..." The king mumbled softly to himself. Ever since he was younger, Hyugi always wished that he could wield a sword like the samurai. Unfortunately, he became sick before he could truly receive training from his father. Then, by that time, he'd become so sickly that he could barely hold a cup of water by himself without shaking, so wielding a sword was definitely out of the question. Hyugi had been so heartbroken over the fact that he hadn't left his room for nearly a week; he felt as though his unexpected sickness had robbed him of his most precious dream. Despite that, his fascination with samurai hadn't wavered, even after all these years. [I]Clang![/I] The sound of swords clashing pulled the king from his thoughts and, with a pained frown, he turned away from the beautiful sight. It was coming, he could feel it and soon, a coughing spell fell upon him once more. He didn't want to disturb the samurai, nor did he want them to hear him, so Hyugi traveled a little ways away from the opening back to the stairs and sat down there. The king quickly pulled out his handkerchief and pressed it to his mouth, trying to stifle the noise, his body shaking with ever cough as he did so. While this spell was considerably shorter than they usually are, he still saw a few spots of blood on the cloth when he pulled it away. "Damn..." Hyugi mumbled breathlessly to himself as he rested his head against the wall. As expected, it would take more than one "session" with the vampire before he was completely cured, though the king wasn't sure if he would last that long.