Name: Sam Zaen Age: 19 Appearance: [img=] Mental illness: Intense insanity Ability: Can see what will do before you do it, up to an hour in advance. Personality: Very compliant, will do most things ordered to, unless his insanity is telling him otherwise. Uses his powers only in defense. A nice guy, if he wasn't insane, but his insanity makes him a bit defiant. Bio: His family was kept as lab rats, bred so that a secret organization could do tests to improve the human body and mind. He was one of the test subjects. They decided to open up his head and mess with his brain, ultimately leading him to go insane, but also rewarding him with sight of the future. He was able to escape by knowing what the scientists would do before they knew what they would do. He escaped, but after a while he was outnumbered and there was nothing he could do, he was caught and taken to this asylum, so that he could be locked up away from society.