I have two idea's for potential roleplays, however I would like to know if people would be interested in joining before I go into further detail about them; 1 - High School Mix Up [i]Three young teenagers start their first year at a new academy that has opened up in town, it's well known for its academics and high-achieving students who have become some of the most successful people in multiple area's around the world. The students are hard working and dedicated and hail from all around the globe, but there's something wrong...They all have these weird quirks, like, their not normal... Move over, the next generation is in town.[/i] The academy is for the next generation of monsters; creatures such as Medusa, Frankenstein, Dracula, all sending their children to the best school they can where each can learn to live a normal life amongst the humans who inhabit the world. However, when three human teenagers somehow manage to enrol in the school and find out who the students really are, will they keep quiet? Or expose the next generation creating fear and terror throughout the world? [b]This is NOT going to be a Rosario Vampire RP!!![/b] 2 - Camp Is So Over-Rated... [i] So my father is a deadbeat who never bothered to see me when I was young; I'm guessing one of your parents was the same... How else would you end up here in this damn place? Bla bla bla, your so special... Bla bla bla, it was against the rules... Oh and the biggest lie of all? You're better off, you'll be safe here. That's what they said back then and look what happened. Oh well, what can you do? Nothing now that your here. So while I have your attention; I guess I better welcome you to the camp.[/i] Welcome to Camp Half Blood, where the son's and daughter's of the Gods and Goddesses come to live a safe life away from the dangers that lurk outside the protective barrier. The time since Percy Jackson and his friends have passed and things have changed for the better; at least the parents who were once ordered away from their children's side are now able to descend down to spend time with their family. But nothing is ever really simple; with a new generation of demigods will there be a new evil? Or will the old dangers once again stir back to life? If your interested in either of these idea's please post below or send me a PM. I am happy to answer any questions you might have as well!