A few more screams and dull thuds of heavy things hitting not as heavy things came from where the bus was sitting in the distance making Chris wonder if her team mates were doing okay. Not that she could really do much other than speed around the place, but at the very least she might’ve been able to get some of the hostages out of the danger zone if her shoulder hadn’t been burned away. What was it that Pariah said about the trainers not trying to injure them!? “Right, uh, um yeah.” Chris replied, trying to fight back the tears. She couldn’t quite think clearly with not only the pain from her shoulder drowning out any coherent thoughts trying to form but also from the lovely amounts foul smelling smoke weaving it’s way around her and burning down her throat. Thankfully though the smoke was dissipating quite quickly so hopefully Chris wouldn’t have to struggle to breathe. Chris frowned at the child as she continued to talk about her being a few hundred years old because of magic. Wasn’t magic a recent thing that came from the awakening? Chris did not like the snide comments the little girl was throwing at her and was very tempted to try and threw some back, but then again that would be a stupid thing to do in this situation. Instead Chris simply nodded and lowered herself down onto her knees so that the apparently not so young child could attend to her shoulder, after seeing her send Ember sailing away Chris had almost no doubts that the child had the power to heal her but it was just the skill that Chris had her worries about. “After you’ve finished I can zip us both straight over there and you can help try and take down the shield.” Chris suggested. “There aren’t many of us left and if this exercise goes on any longer we’re going to lose.”