Mayt nods, and gives Sasha a wonderful smile. "If I were to have a team in Phoenix Wing, I'd make sure you'd be a part of it." He chuckles, and squeezes her hand. "I mean, you're the only one I know right now anyway." He gives her a smile, and looks about, his stomach growling slightly. He looks at it, and shrugs, looking back up at the road. "Maybe I'll get to know other people soon, that'd be great, especially if they were nice like you." He swings their arms again, as if to indicate the physical bond they had made with their hands. Mayt sighed at the thought of walking another hour and a half, he was already running out of non-personal subjects to talk about, and he knew if he asked about her past, she'd ask about his, and Mayt didn't particularly want to talk about how he had had six legal parents growing up. "Yeah, a break sometime soon would be nice." He'd admit, scratching the back of his head, smiling. He had been wanting to taste the sandwiches Sasha had bought a while ago, but he didn't want to ask until later in the trip. "Do you have any idea what the herb we're looking for is? Does it say on the job listing?" He looks back at her again, hoping she would provide the answer. He was certain that if the listing had said, she'd have told him. But maybe she forgot to, and double checking is never a bad idea. "I mean, might give us a hint at least, right?" He smiled, and hoped it wasn't something he happened to be allergic to. That would be embarrassingly unfortunate.