[centre][b]James Morgan Just North of Coalville[/b][/centre] As the day went on the girls began to drag their feet and it was clear then that it was time to find a place to rest. They had been going at a very slow pace and had on more than one occasion looped round certain obstacles (including walkers) for their own safety; as a result of this it had taken them a few hours to walk what might have only taken James a bit over an hour to walk before the outbreak. The group settled on a little roadside cottage in the end. It was a pleasant little thing and no other buildings could be seen from it. It had two floors and although it was clearly designed to look like an older cottage the bricks in certain places suggested it was a fairly young building. “Stay in here and keep quiet, we won’t be long. If something happens take our bags and run.” Whispered Doc as he slowly shut the wooden shed door in the back garden. James stood a few metres away with his back to the shed as he kept guard, too focussed on trying to spot danger to listen in on the conversation. They had decided to leave the girls and the majority of their possessions in the shed whilst they cleared the building. “Right, let’s do this.” Said Doc, patting James on the shoulder. “Ok.” Nodded James nervously. He watched as Doc withdrew his old revolver and gave the barrel a spin. Doc only had one bullet left and he was an awful shot. James still didn’t know where Doc had acquired the weapon, mostly because he never asked; he didn’t need to know, he trusted Doc enough. James then threw his hood up over his head to offer a little more protection and gave the wrist that held the large knife a bit of twist to try loosen it up. The two slowly stepped forward in tandem towards the backdoor, beyond it lay the kitchen which appeared to be void of life. By now Doc had sheathed his pistol and was holding up his hammer. James slowly turned the handle and began to slowly open the door, careful not to make any noise. As soon as the momentum stopped however the keys on the inside of the door swung back and gave out a little chime that caused the new guests to wince. The kitchen was clear and it were two doors: one that opened to the hallway leading straight to the front door and staircase, and the other that opened into the large living/dining room. The two of them slowly made their way through each room in the house, never more than arms reach away from each other, and always ensuring that every corner and hiding spot was checked. They struck lucky as they couldn’t find any sign of biters. They couldn’t find any food either though, meaning that whoever lived here probably packed up and left when the shit hit the fan. Having done this they proceeded to move the girls and their possessions upstairs into one of the bedrooms and barricaded the front door and windows with whatever they could find. “Right Melisa, the front of the house is jammed up. We’re going to go out the back and round. We’re going to take one of the keys to the back door and lock it behind us. We won’t be very long and when we return we’ll let ourselves in. Don’t leave this room if you can help it, not for knocking at door, not for screams outside, not for anything really.” Doc kissed his wife and children goodbye. Once again James and Doc left most of their possessions with the girls, albeit this time they took their (now empty) bags so they could carry more supplies back. James decided to take his cue stick along with him this time, as he didn’t think he would have to worry about tight spaces quite as much.