Here it is, hope it's alright. ^-^); [center][img=] Name: Freya Lancasterre Age: 23 Gender: Female Species: Wood/Forest faerie. Powers/Abilities: Being a very inexperienced and young fae, Freya does not get to exercise most of her abilities - not because she can't, but for the fear of the harm it could cause if used incorrectly. She is very sensitive and insecure about this, and gets irritable and angry when confronted about the same. That being said, Freya can and does indulge in elementary and relatively harmless powers like telepathy, telekinesis (to a certain extent only) and mind-warping. She knows there is a lot more she can do, but with no one of her kind to guide and teach her how, she keeps herself subdued. Items: A deep emerald onyx ring that was given to her by her mother. She often wears it on a silver chain around her neck. History: It was always her mother and she, as far back as Freya could remember. Her mother, Lyra, did not deem it necessary to help her with her powers, or acquaint her with other members of her kind, claiming that the sanctuary she had built for them would be more than safe and enough for the peaceful progression of their lives. What she did not anticipate, however, was that in the years that followed, Coransea would become home to a number of supernatural beings, catapulting them into unfamiliar territories. Lyra left home to find another dwelling for them, promising to return soon, but never did. Despite desperately wanting to go in search of her mother, Freya held back and remained where she was, frustrated by not knowing how or where to start, along with the fear of the others residing in the neighborhood further compounding her helplessness. Crush/Relationship: ~Open~ Friends/Family: The closest thing she has to a friend is Arik, a tiny tree spirit who follows her around Coransea. She has no surviving family except her mother, to the best of her knowledge. Other: Freya has what can remotely be called as wings. They are shapeless, and mostly just appear at the shoulders as a pale indigo aura. [/center]