Borodin was silent that early morning, then again he was often quiet when he was around the other inmates in the prison. When they looked at him he was sure they thought so many things about him, and Borodin thought plenty about them. He was not so old that he was senile, not by a long shot, most of these poor bastards were nothing more then street thugs once upon a time, young punks who thought they were tough. That was the life of most of these men in this place, their stories shared and similar in a pot of lies and deceit. There were a few however that actually were not thugs, it was those inmates that Borodin had a bit more respect for, they were not here for rape or for shooting a gas station attendant or some act of animistic fashion, they were here because they were not afraid to test the boundaries of this bitter world. It was those few that were so much like Borodin, however regardless of his respect he did not talk to them, because honestly he was not here to acquire new friends, in fact he was for a lot more then that and not simply because he killed that pathetic woman raping bastard, no that was simply all part of the plan, but they didn't know that. They only ever knew what he wanted them to know, because they were stupid and misinformed puppets of a government system that could give a less of a shit. Borodin scoped around for a minute looking around the dirt yard of the court yard, as usual there was slim guard activity, probably walking around and torturing some of the prisoners again for wake up call, didn't matter much to Borodin anyways, pulling out a pack of Redwoods Borodin placed one between his lips and pulled out a match lighting it with his thumb, lighting the smoke he took a long drag off the cigarette and blew a smoke ring. Borodin hated Redwoods but it was the only cigarette around this place, and he needed to be sure that his signals were received without the guards knowing any better about it. Almost like clock work a couple men walked up to him and slowly took a seat next to him and pulled out cigarettes of their own. Borodin slowly leaned back against the table he was sitting on and relaxed his back on the wall behind him and spoke to the men. "Kakovy muzhchiny govoryat na vneshney my pochti gotovy ubiraytes' otsyuda?" ("What are the men saying on the outside are we almost ready to get the hell out of here?") "Vse idet po planu, ser, oni ne govoryat, yeshche paru dney ili okolo togo, poka storony. Ochevidno, oni pobezhali v nemnogo koryagu." ("Everything is going according to plan sir, they say another couple days or so until hand. Apparently they ran into a bit of a snag.") "Chto ty imeyesh' v vidu zagvozdka?" ("What do you mean a snag?") "Vidimo koreytsy vse yeshche kislyy o tom, chto intsident s uchastiyem svoyego lidera umirayet na vashikh rukakh. Oni nastaivali dovol'no trudno v posledneye vremya, pytayas' privlech' nashe vnimaniye, za to, chto ya ne znayu. Yego ne sobirayus' byt' schastlivym Vot pereryv navernyaka ". ("Apparently the Koreans are still sour about that incident involving their leader dieing by your hand. They have been pushing pretty hard lately, trying to get our attention, for what I don't know. Its not gonna be a happy prison break thats for sure.") "Chert koreytsev prosto ne znayu, kogda uyti. YA slyshal, chto odin iz ikh kruga sobak nakhoditsya v tyur'me zdes'. Vozmozhno, my dolzhny sdelat' primer nim, poka my vse yeshche zdes'. Chto yego imya ... Kho-Sop Chzhon yesli ya ne oshibayus' ". ("Damn koreans just don't know when to quit. I hear that one of their lap dogs is in prison here. Perhaps we need to make an example of him while we are still here. Whats his name... Ho-Seop Jeong if I am not mistaken.") "Neuzheli on dazhe znal, chto eto, kto snyal svoyego bossa?" ("Does he even know it was who took down his boss?") "Somnevayus', chto eto ser, on byl boleye korichnevogo sil'nyy vstrechnyy veter plyus-minus. On ne men'shuyu ugrozu v lyubom sluchaye, my mogli by legko poluchit' odin iz drugogo v tovarishchey, chtoby ubit' yego." ("Doubt it sir, he was more of a brown noser give or take. He is not much of a threat either way, we could easily get one of the other in mates to kill him.") "Poluchit' T-Bone, chtoby sdelat' eto, on, kazhetsya, yest' chto-to protiv koreytsev v lyubom sluchaye. On naslazhdayetsya razryvaya konechnostey vyklyuchen, poetomu ona dolzhna byt' dovol'no gryaznym stsena, dostatochno, chtoby pokazat' te koreyskiye der'mo otstupit'." ("Get T-Bone to do it, he seems to have something against the Koreans anyways. He enjoys tearing limbs off, so it should be a rather messy scene, enough to show those Korean shits to back off.") "Vy poluchili eto Mr.Borodin my poluchim v kontakte s nim i pursuade yego sdelat' eto." ("You got it Mr.Borodin we will get in contact with him and pursuade him to do it.") "Khorosho teper' rasseivayut vy znayete Strazha staraya cocher, on mozhet zavoyevat' populyarnost'." ("Good now scatter you know the Warden is an old cocher, he might catch on.") As the got up they casually threw their cigarettes to the ground and walked away in different directions to avoid suspicion and disappeared. Borodin got up silently and took another drag off the cigarette, he had not made it far however before he was approached by three men who were at least a head or so shorter then he was. All three of them were of Korean ethnicity, and they looked rather cold to Borodin and the way they looked at him made him think that they were not happy to see him. They all seemed to stare at him for a time, Borodin kept the eye contact, his eye's like stones baring in their eye's. It was a couple minutes before the one in the front of the other two decided to say anything. "I know who you are Vasily Borodin, an I know what you did to our Leader, I never imagined that I would wake up today and be told that your Russian ass was here in prison this whole time. I would have never imagined a man like you would have gotten put in prison, but lets just say its all the more luck for me, because when I get out I will be a hero for wiping your ass off the face of planet." Borodin took a last drag off the cigarette and blew the smoke straight into the Korean mans face making his eye's cringe slightly from the arid smoke. Tossing the cigarette to the ground Borodin crushed it under his shoe and looked at the Korean with a rather amused look on his face, giving out an bemused laugh Borodin looked at the Korean and spoke in a think deep Russian accented voice. "If you don't stop threatening me the only thing your gonna be remembered for on the outside is that you got another Koreans head stuck up your ass hole. Do you truly believe that you can just walk up to me and kill me? Is that what your trying to say, because if you think that three against one is gonna really give you the upper hand your more stupid and deluded then I gave your kind credit for. Kkangpae died the way he lived, a pathetic little coward bitch, who was only good for stabbing someone in the back instead of facing them head on like my father was. I cracked his fucking neck with my bare hands after beating the hell out of him until he was crying for his life, he should be lucky I showed him mercy instead of preforming Zamochit on him." The tension between Borodin and the three Koreans was now immensely high that was no doubt now, the three men were damn near red in the face from the things Borodin had just told them and honestly he hoped they were mad, their leader was no man, the way he killed Borodin s father was a cowards way, not the way of a respected man. He deserved to die with tears running down his cheeks while he begged for life. Thats why Borodin had no respect for the Korean Mob, because they were too afraid to face someone head on, they came out of the woodwork when the time was opportune and sneak attacked and then ran back into the woodwork waiting for the next opportunity, they had no honor. When the three Koreans all pulled shanks from their pants, the time for the inevitable scuffle was almost immediately at hand. "Your gonna die you Russian scum, for Kkangpae! How dare you insult a great man like he was a dog!" The time for talking was done now as the first of the Koreans rounded on Borodin with the sharp piece of metal, Borodin side stepped the angry Korean and grabbed him by the throat with and outstretched arm with a rather large hand and yanked him off his feet in one strong tug, in one move Borodin raised him in the air then slammed him onto the ground back first with a rather harsh cracked emitting from the Koreans back. Borodin brought his eyes to the other two Koreans who were looking from him to their brother who was now on the ground. The prison alarm suddenly blared then, the guards had already caught onto the fight that was now taking place, the last remaining Koreans were now aware their window was closing and lunged at Borodin together with the intent to kill him before the guard got there first. Borodin was quick and brought his hands up, he caught both of the Koreans together, each hand he held holding the sharp piece of metal, in one swift move Borodin twisted both of their arms breaking them with relative ease, and then he pulled them bodily together and smashed their skulls with each others in a bone cracking collision. As they fell to the ground the guards finally arrived armed with assault rifles pointing at Borodin. "Down now Borodin!!!" Borodin put his hands up and over his head as he slowly went to his knee's, there would be no point in fighting the guards it would only stand in the way off his escape in the next few days if he went into the hole for a month. Besides they knew the Koreans started it and he would be acquitted soon enough for defending himself. Borodin felt the sting of a baton smacking him in the back, falling to the ground he had a pair of cuffs slapped on his wrists behind him. He was bodily dragged up to his feet and then he was escorted away.