Smoothing out her skirt, stained dark at the bottom from years of field work, as Airi steps out of the car. She doesn't think about her past often but every now and then she thinks about her mother and their nightly conversations. Staring up at the house she wonders why those thoughts would even cross her mind right now, shaking her head as a man yells at her to get a move on and glancing behind her to see her brother grabbing up their two bags moving along after the guy. She had packed the bags herself, so she knows how heavy they are but she supposes since her brother use to move bales of hay all day, two bags are nothing. She stares off into the distance at a dog barking and wonders if someone trying to escape from their master or if the dog just stupid; as she screamed at again to move it she in the way of the others, she moves her feet heading after her brother around the house to what she can only assume to a back door. Dim glances around noting quickly everything about the front yard with all the trees, bushes, and flowers; he glances back at his sister standing still with a brief thought on what could be occupying her mind. Shrugging he shifts the bags as the guy barks about go around back he doesn't have all day to get slaves where they need to be and mumbles about something but Dim just tunes him out to stare up at the windows as he wonders what this Master could be like. Their other master if you could even call the old vampire that, old vampire believed in the old ways and would only come down to the farm when there was a harvesting problem and his feeders where getting enough nutrients and would spend all day yelling that he could taste the differences and if their father could keep the farm running then he would be replaced and become a feeder. Dim would just move about the farm finishing up work and pretending the old vampire wasn't around and it wasn't hard to do since the old vampire hated kids, something about ripe blood. He smiles wondering what that could even mean, he steps inside the kitchen at the servants moving about and thinks least they don't have to work outside all the time now.