Juno was definitely in agreement, but she decided Michelle didn't need to be brought down any lower. She nodded slowly at 'bored and depressed', listened quietly to how they'd all been to the academy, then sighed. "This is just our day jobs, you know. We haven't been called yet; it's boring, and annoying, for sure, but not... bad," Grimacing at her own forced optimism, she continued, "after all, if we're here, it means the City is peaceful." She left out the part where she somewhat craved the chaos of a battle, and how she had had more than enough of her share of peace. Those were points for the opposing argument. "Oliver? ... He went down..." Juno started to reply, as Marvin made his way past them and to the hidden panel, following their leader; she blinked, jerking her head towards Marv as an indicator of where Oliver had vanished. "... Down below. I personally think we should leave him be. Seems he feels much the same as us about our current statu-" As if some divine force had decided Juno had spoken for too long, her words were suddenly silenced by a crash. She stared at where Malika and the table had fallen; that was... startling, but somewhat expected.