"As long as you accept the invitation to our team, we share all of our quests, so as long as you complete the requirements for the quest with us you'll also get the rewards." Hera explained as they arrived at the pig pens on the outskirts of the city. She opened the gate and proceeded through, stepping instantly into what she hoped was mud, but she knew better. "Ick.." She remarked, trying to step around what was most likely pig manure. She pulled out her long sword and focused her attention on a pig directly in front of her. Before she could get a chance to attack, though, the pig charged at her. It seemed to be unhappy that she had entered it's pen. An icon flashed in the corner of Hera's screen, reading "Evasion". She clicked on the icon and suddenly found herself very quickly side-stepping the pig. Her sword began to glow and she thrust down on the pig, draining its health completely. The pig collapsed, leaving a tusk, some hide, and some meat in its place. "Huh, that must be one of my special attacks..." Hera speculated.