Natsu Hizuri walked down the street of Lougetown her long stride lazy in comparison to the captain who she was currently following. She was nineteen years old and because of her innate intelligence and ability to learn quickly and effecently, she rose quickly amongst the ranks of the Marines. She had been adopted by the famous Admiral Lazarus Hizari who was currently on his fourty-sixth birthday. Why he was famous, she usually tuned that out not entirely interested in the drival information constantly 'deleting' the reason once it reached her brain. She had, during the week she had been stationed here wondered around, and now she knew the town better than she did the back of her hand, and would never get lost. She had an impeccable sense of direction, almost as if she had a compass implanted in her brain as well as an ability to correctly guess the weather. Some of which had been taught to her by Nami, not that she talked about that. Her blonde head snapped up as her name was called, her violet eyes looking at the man speaking. "This is a popular port for marines but--" "Also remain on the look out for law breaking pirates. It is not only our duty but our pride in taking down pirates and either killing them or apprehending them in Impel Down if they have an excessive amount of belli reward." Natsu quoted almost automatically and with a tone that said 'we already had this dang conversation'. She rolled her eyes and wondered off the captain going to get some saki. She could deal with this. Days that started out normal and for once not having to point out the flaws of someone's thinking. She cracked her knuckles pausing as her eyes caught a movement to her right and she watched the man, the uniform she was wearing seeming to pause with her, for the white coat had billowed behind her measured steps. She was wearing traditional black khaki's but substituted the blue shirt for a black one that was 'indecent for a marine' but she didn't care. If it got the job done who the hell cared? Busy bodies. That's who. For some odd reason she felt a storm coming, but the clouds were no where to be seen. A pretty much picture perfect day to sail off to sea. She frowns a thoughtful look on her face. So what was this? She shook her head clearing it. "Weird. Then again...perhaps not." She said to herself checking the town for trouble.