Name: Wilhelm Hector Age: 24 Gender: Male Alias: Hellhound Appearance: Wilhelm has the appearance of a typical Aryan. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and a body thick with well developed muscles, perfect for a warrior. He stands at around 6’5 and is almost constantly seen wearing his German military uniform. Nationality: German Allegiance: Axis Powers: Fire resistance: Wilhelm has a natural resistance to flames and heat. He can stand temperatures up to 70oC, and doesn't get burned when walking through fire of any kind. Fire manipulation: He can manipulate and will fire to take new shapes and speeds within a 3 meter radius. Using this power Wilhelm can launch fireballs, make a wall of flames, and propel him from the floor with jets of flames etc. If any of the flames he controls exits his sphere of influence it will continue travelling in the direction it was, until it either runs out of speed, hits an object or runs out of fuel and dies. The simplest moves like throwing a fire ball use the less energy and can be done almost indefinitely as long as there is fire available. Moves like creating a ball of fire to surround him, would take a lot more energy and would only work for at most a minute before Wilhelm became exhausted. Flame Aura: With this power Wilhelm can cover himself and his clothes with his own flames. To continuously use this power constantly drains his energy, the amount varies depending on how much fire he creates. Usually he focuses it onto his hands and forearms, which he can keep alight for half an hour before becoming exhausted. Flame teleportation: Wilhelm can use this power to teleport short distances as long as two conditions are met; the first is that he can see the location he wants to teleport to; the second is that there has to be a fire there. The first rule can only be ignored if Wilhelm knows the destination very well and is certain that there is a fire there, for example his house or his military base, which has a fire kept lit for him 24/7. The longer he travels the more energy it takes; for example he could teleport 10m around 20 times before exhausting himself, he could teleport 200m around 5 times, any longer and he could only do it once before becoming unable to use any of his powers except flame resistance. If he wants to travel a mile or more then he would have to rest for a few hours straight after teleporting. Equipment: Weapons : An MP40, a Mauser HSc pistol and a small hand length dagger Clothing: [url=]This facemask[/url] which has been built from a heat resistant metal and is stylized to look like an open mouth full of long fanglike teeth. He wears a black spandex suit with sleeves that end at the elbows; it is made from heat fire resistant fabric. Placed onto the center of the chest is the symbol of a wolf’s head bursting into flames. He also wears German military boots and helmet. Over his spandex suit, Wilhelm wears his German military uniform, proudly displaying his swastika armband for all to see. Personality: Wilhelm is a very obedient soldier. He receives orders from his higher ups and he completes them, no questions and no complaints. He does not shy away from violence and often embraces it, almost delighting in the pain he causes others. As a person however, he tries to separate this side of him as much as possible, not because he dislikes it but because he believes it to be the right thing to do. He is extremely loyal to his friends and is willing to risk his life to protect those close to him. History: Brought up in the Hitler Youth project, Wilhelm was quickly indoctrinated into the Nazi idealism, he grew up inside a Germany that was still recovering from WWI and to him and many others, Hitler and his promises was a beacon in the dark times and he gathered many to him. Shortly after he joined the Hitler Youth, Wilhelm was found to have special abilities and was taken in by the government and brought into a facility to train him in both his abilities and skills as a soldier. His skill with flames and loyalty to the German cause led to Wilhelm being dubbed Höllenhund or ‘Hellhound’. Once he reached 20 and they had run each of their tests to the limit, Hellhound was released into the war, like so many other German super humans.