Glancing over his shoulder Viltez notes the distracted look on the stranger's face. [i]'He really seems to like doing things at his own pace'[/i] A moment later he chuckles as he fires out his preference. Moving over to the local sweet fruits the young man starts to reach for one when the taller man's question makes him pause. His hand falls slightly before he glances over his shoulder with a warm smile. “Yes, actually. I don't like fighting, especially pointless fights.” Turning back to the fruit he picks one up and brings it up to smell it. “I could tell you were willing to pay, but not everyone is so observant as I.” At his comment he glances back at the stall owner. The man gives him a sour look before dropping his eyes back to his work. Viltez chuckles again, the sound cut short by the strangers next comment. Turning around to face the man he looks him up and down with a critical eye. [i]'His clothes are fine, much finer than I've seen since Trevor's wedding tunic'[/i] His eyes trail over the worn spots, following a few loose threads here and there. [i]'But either this man has fallen on hard times, traveled a long way, or simply doesn't have a great regard for his clothing'[/i] Finishing his visual assessment of the man he crosses his arms over his chest. His gaze trails up slowly to the mans eyes as he leans back carefully against the stall, fruit in one hand, the other gripping his opposite elbow. His gaze is one of detached assessment, as if he's trying to observe something unseen. After half a minute, Viltez blinks, a smile returning to his lips. Shaking his head he drops his arms and turns back to the piles of fruit. “No, you are indeed a very honest man. There is no shiftiness that I can see in you.” A slight feeling of embarrassment, as if he stepped across a line he should not cross causes him to cough. “Ah, sorry, it's just. . . No one trusted me when I turned up here years ago as a boy.” Someone at another stall calls his name and he smiles and waves in return. “Before they got to know me, everyone in this town was suspicious of me. It was hard to get by, and even harder to feel so much distrusts.” H looks down the street to where the pack of children have all piled up on top of the ball. He turns slightly so he can look the stranger in the eye. “After I got accepted I came to understand that it's just the way of small towns. Trust runs so close for each other that there is a shortage of trust for anyone from the outside.” With a shrug he turns back to the fruit. “Maybe it's because I was an outsider once but. . . .Whenever I see someone getting treated the way I use to be treated around here, especially if it's just a misunderstanding, I feel the need to step in and help.” Picking up two of the large orange and yellow fruits he holds up both and turns to the stranger. He smirks. “If you wanna test how sweet the fruits are, and make them unsellable, thus angering the seller, here's a good trick to know.” Stepping closer so the taller man can see what he's doing, he presses the flesh of both fruits with his thumb and drags it across the surface for half an inch. “If you do this, you can release the smell of the fruit inside, without actually damaging it.” Holding up one than the other he takes a sniff then hands one to the stranger. “That one is defiantly sweeter than this one.” He turns back to the stall. “Now we just have to pick out more that smell like that one!” Viltez moves back to the small wooden structure and begins hunting for more sweet fruits.