Midnight, what a wonderful time. When the stars fully appeared to twinkle in the dark blanket that was the night sky. Orion felt most at peace now more than ever, listening the the crickets chirp and the leaves whistle in the wind. Beautiful was a word that could describe it, but it was something more...Something serene. Even his mountain horse Darvel enjoyed the fresh, yet chilled night air. The only sound breaking into the silence was the combination of hoofs breaking into soft tufts of earth, and the shallow breaths that came from both Orion and Darvel. The two had been traveling for quite some time now, both in need of a good rest. The young half-blood gently patted his horse's neck, giving a slight appreciation for the horse's ability to go so far without a complaint. They would be nearing the inn soon, or so he thought. This road was a long, and lonely one, but it was one that was traveled just enough for an innkeeper to make a living off of it. Now that he was nearing possible contact, he reached up and lifted his intricately designed face mask, covering his mouth and jaw, hiding his elf-like appearance. Though, he had nothing to cover his fiery amber eyes. Unfortunately enough. He continued to trudge along the muddy road, his eyes focused and determined, casting fleeting glances at the sky. Orion loosened his grip on Darvel's reigns as he started to see the outline of what appeared to be the inn. His grip tightened when he heard a shout come from the direction of his destination. Though it could have been another drunken brawl, Orion had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. One he had grown used to relying on in the few years he had been traveling alone. Hopefully, he was just being rather paranoid due to his need for sleep, but he was normally correct on these types of situations. "Careful Darvel.." He warned his steed, his elvish accent flowing strongly through his mask, he slowed their speed and cautiously continued onward. The horrid feeling still swirling around him, causing him to drop his hand near the hilt of his sword, sharpened and at the ready. -- Unfortunate for his feet, De did not have the luxury of a horse and so his boots of iron did the work of carrying him to and fro. Truth be told, De had gotten a little lost and he figured that following jaded walk ways through the landscape would lead him to people or at least signs of them. Although he understood the basic consequences for just aimlessly looking for strangers, he didn't have too much of a choice. He was noisy in his trek and if it should bring trouble, De had the comfort that his training would keep him alive. With a trail of wispy breath following behind his head he came across a mounted figure just a few feet ahead of him. He became wary and tried to decide if he could be friend or foe, but it was difficult to see what he was from the back. De watched him and he guessed that the stranger was watching the happenings inside an inn which to De, did not seem very merry. His attention was now turned to the tavern as it sounded more and more violent. Still, De took one last glance at the stranger In front of him and decided to take a chance. "Hail, friend.." He suddenly said, sticking to the side of the road as an attempt to a appear less threatening. "Be you a friend...?" He said hopefully, approaching slowly even as he clinked and clanked as he did. -- Hearing a voice from behind, Orion stopped his horse and cautiously looked behind him, his hooded face slowly finding the man that spoke. It was a wonder that Orion had passed him without realizing, he was most likely to deep in thought, as he always was. The greeting he received was to be expected, in fact, he was surprised it had been that friendly. Considering the man had armor about him as if the world would crash down onto him, and he'd still survive. "Indeed, I'll not strike my sword unless you do so first." He gave a brief nod to the traveler, or knight as it appeared. Another shout came from the direction of the nearby inn, causing Orion to crane his neck in that direction once more, his hands tightening around the reigns so that his knuckles turned white. Turning back to the stranger, he held out a hand, "I'm going over to that inn, and it sounds as if there might be trouble.." He paused, his amber eyes giving the man a final glance, he seemed like he could handle himself; it was settled. "I could give you a ride there if you'd like, but we'd probably have to settle an argument before rest would see us." He smiled, the act hidden by his mask, but his eyes glistened. "What say you, will you accompany me?" He pushed his hand slightly farther towards the man, bracing himself to help him atop the horse should he accept the offer. He knew that time was thinning, they would have to go soon if they were to help in the inn. -- It gave De relief to hear welcoming words from the mounted stranger and carelessly, he walked closer beside the horse. The height of the stranger on his horse made De feel like a child again having to tilt his head and look up to meet his eyes. But suddenly his attention was broken by unsavory shout that made De's eyes squint with a mixture of curiosity and the sense of a threat. Through his periphery De saw that the stranger held a hand out to him to hoist him onto his horse, promptly he said his intentions and asking if De would accompany him into a possible shoe scuffling. De nodded silently, his brows hugging the top lids of his eyes in a serious stare. Right now, they had no time for introductions and if lives were at risk then it is better to have someone to call ally. De took the allied stranger's grip and wedged his left foot into the foot rest of the saddle to bring himself up over the horses back. "Whats the plan?" He asked, charging himself up for anything. "Do you think we can survey the situation through the windows? I Have a battle axe and a bow.." -- Helping the man atop his horse and casting a glance back, Orion pursed his lips. "Unfortunately, I doubt we have the time, if we do indeed want to help, I suggest we go now, perhaps catching a glance through the windows along the way." As he was speaking, he tapped the sides of his horse with his heels, egging him forward into a run. As the wind whipped at Orion's face, he gave the inn all of his attention, his heart pounding with anticipation. He was not one to fear battle, or death for that matter. He embraced the possibility everyday, not a regret in his heart. Or, at least not one that could catch up to him. When the trio arrived at the inn, Orion stopped Davrel and looked to the outfitted man behind him. "From what I've seen, there seems to be quite the scuffle...And a mysterious creature.." He dismounted from Davrel, carefully avoiding hitting the man with his long legs. "I'm not entirely sure what the creature is..So be on guard." That said, Orion unsheathed his amber sword and held the hilt tightly. Cautiously ducking under the windows, he crouched his way over to the door, giving one last look to the stranger, he nodded. "When you're in position, we'll breach the door." As much as he wanted to go in now, the shouting and chaos ensuing, he knew it would be downright suicidal. So, why not go in with another man willing to risk his life and limb to help. Orion focused his steely and serious gaze upon the man, and without much warning, began to speak. "If we are to die in this act...My name is Orion. It's nice to meet you" His voice was surprisingly lighthearted considering the circumstances, but his eyes spoke volumes. They needed to get inside, and quickly. -- De sighed and nodded his head as the stranger spoke wisely. Some situations you just have to burst in there weapons drawn. When the neared closer to the inn the stranger alerted him that there was trouble and a creature. " A mysterious creature?" He echoed, most knights tended to be superstitious and fearful of the unknown beasts of the wilds and legend. "what kind of creature...?" he asked concerned that his training did not provide him to fight against monsters and great animals. When the stranger dismounted he frankly said that he wasn't sure what it was which put a dent in De's resolve, but still he took a deep breath and put on a brave face as he dismounted himself. As he snuck around with his ally he brought his battle axe from his back and to the forefront of his body. The light that the stranger's sword gave off immediately called De's attention and he was in awe of the peculiar color of it as he's never seen it before. It was as if he made his sword out of honey. He wanted to ask what it was but again it wasn't of real importance now. De dipped his head under the window as he passed by it and he carefully got himself on the other side of the door, adjacent to the stranger. Before going in their eyes met with a moment of brief, righteous comradery. De nodded, relaxing only slightly " They call me DE and it's good to die with someone rather than alone. I would have it no other way." A second later De turned to the door and with one lifted iron leg he kicked the door open with his foot. As they swung open De gave a yell to intimidate the obvious bandits who wore blue cloths and he begun to hack down the closest man he met. -- The name he received was short, presumably a nickname. But an identity nonetheless. With his heart pounding a familiar and rhythmic tune of short and fast beats, pulsing fresh waves of adrenaline through him, Orion gave a nod to De, letting him know he was ready for whatever lay ahead. Perhaps it was foolish to rush in, but that seemed to be the only option available to them. So, Orion would gladly take it if it meant possibly helping someone, or just stopping the battle entirely. Orion watched as De lifted his armor coated leg, bringing his foot directly into the door, the force sending the wood splintering and the door to fall. De charged in along with the door, sparing no time for the forces inside to regain their bearings. Amber sword in hand, Orion followed suit, his long legs moving fluidly, his pace focused. Calm. That was his image, his mouth was set into a straight line, the corners dipping up ever so slightly. Though that was covered by his mask, his fiery eyes weren't. They revealed his essence of pure determination. Bandits cluttered around the inn, at least ten. Two already appeared to be on the ground, and there also appeared to be hostages. The monster was still ambling around, frightening as it was, it didn't really make much of a move against the bandits, other than intimidating them. Wait, were there...[i]others[/i]? Before he could focus in on the form he saw, he had to return to the task at hand, blocking a blade that swung at his ribs. Orion spun away from the attacker, his sword still entwined with the bandit's, it looked as if he were dancing with the man. Almost, but not quite. After spacing himself from the man, Orion charged as fast as he could, leaving no time for the bandit to recuperate from the sword lock. Taking his blade, Orion plunged it through the man's gut, in a gap between the man's armor, the blow was devastating. Soon after, he removed his sword, cringing slightly at the heavy amount of blood that stained his sword. He hadn't taken a life in quite some time...It would take getting used to. Hearing a primal scream, he spun around, his unattended left hand reaching towards his chest. Before he could grasp what he was reaching for however, he was struck with something blunt to his stomach, the force sending him back a ways. His vision now slightly blurred, the young man reached into his chest sheath and pulled out a small throwing dagger, trying to aim at the form charging at him through the spots. Pulling back his wrist, Orion let the blade fly. He was used to this, he had done it all the time. Just not half blind. The blade landed in the bandits upper shoulder, causing him to stop mid-charge and groan in pain. Orion had originally planned for that to hit the pulse within his neck, but as of now, he'd take a diversion. Twirling his sword to fling off some of the previously collected blood. Orion ran at his opponent, his sword glowing in the dim light, the same intense color as his eyes.