[b][i][u] Mercy [/b][/i][/u] Where she was currently stood in a quarry of all places...there had been a large group of walkers hovering north of the Quarry’s entrance, they had made her question whether being on foot was a good idea. [i]When is being on foot ever a good idea? My feet are killing me[/i] She thought bitterly to herself, the young blonde had taken cover behind a column of concrete blocks as soon as someone had set off the alarm of a dumper truck not far from her. [i]What the hell?[/i] She peeked out from behind the concrete blocks her cornflour blue eyes focused on the few shambling corpses that emerged into the dirt road heading towards the screaming vehicle, she licked at her lower lip nervously her gaze travelling to the offices opposite her she still had time to get across.. Her hesitation cost her time however and a few of the walkers got between her and the office building before she could pluck up the courage to run for it. “Damn it” She hissed under her breath retreating back behind the concrete block she was currently using for cover, she shifted her decorative blue bow back up onto her left shoulder as she pressed her back against the cool surface behind her, she tilted her head back closing her eyes briefly, a glistening sheen of sweat covered her forehead highlighting the muck that clung to her soft features. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes again, casting her gaze towards the sky in front of her...[i]Huh?[/i] She blinked in surprise as she caught frenzied movement in the distance, she lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the sun –typically the world goes to hell and the UK gets brilliant sunshine- focusing her attention on the roof of the building just ahead from her. She could just make out the strange make shift flag, she felt her heart leap into her throat...another survivor? Lowering her hand she glanced around her warily before slinking away from her cover, moving slowly between the rest of the blocks she reached down and retrieved an arrow from her hip quiver holding it tightly in her right hand...it was all she had as a melee weapon, she really hoped she wouldn’t have to use it. [i]Will it even work? Argh and the mess...[/i] She jogged down the straight path towards the large building, barely checking her corners as she went, as she got closer she noticed the flag wielder was in fact a man. She pulled up next to the last stack of blocks, glancing around it as she studied the area. [i]Ladder![/i] She quickly located a way to ascend the building jogging towards it eagerly, exclaiming loudly as one of the walkers lurched towards her, it was still a few yards off...she increased her pace, shooting over to the ladder. Her hands shaking as she tried to grip the slick metal, her boots clicking as she climbed up, ignoring the groans beneath her. [i]Don’t look down...[/i] By the time she’d reached the top she was breathing heavily and her hands were trembling, her eyes focused on the man before dropping to the dog at his side, surprise passing through her expression, she pulled herself up and onto the roof slowly. “...I come in peace?” She murmured, looking at him warily she hovered by the ladder, offering the back of her hand to his dog so it could sniff her, if it came to investigate her.