Oh god! How grateful I am for this post. I could probably bitch about everything when it comes to trying to enjoy a good RP with someone. I can't handle people who use the same phrases every post, or say the same thing in the same sentence. "When I saw her, she was eating a chocolate bar when I saw her." I also can't stand when the characters fall in love immediately, especially when it's a romance based RP. The whole point is to write the story of them falling in love, not them falling in love in the first segment then sex scenes and lovey doveyness the entire time after. I also hate when you're the GM and everyone brings their ideas to you to be accepted. I am part of the RP too! I want to enjoy some of the mystery and surprises. Or when one of your close RP partners decides that they are going to take your idea and make it their own just because yours isn't going so well anymore like it did before the site crashed. I had one of the leading RPs and once the site crashed I lost everything, and have yet to find a good group of rpers to bring the story back. The site now in general just pisses me off. Thanks for letting me Vent.