After watching Tanya lay down the remainder of their plan, Iosif began to fill in the rest of the details in his head. Whilst he could have easily assigned himself to the hacking crew meant to be guarding Sleuth, he figured that he'd have been better off working with the main hijacking team that would've been doing most of the work to take control of the ship. No doubt that even if he wasn't going to be acting as the ship's pilot there would've most likely been a co-pilot's seat available for him and besides, they'd need every extra hand in preparing the ship for take-off once they were all onboard. Even better, it would've given him a chance to personally put a dent in one of Siame Industries' assets, first-hand. As his omni-tool pulsed at the signal of Tanya's connection request, he quickly allowed the connection and took a moment to browse through the information which it displayed across its holographic interface. Noting it down internally, he threw yet another a nod towards her direction and stood from his seat, before departing to handle his own affairs. The idea of storing what few belongings which he had left in the world in a storage container which any of the others could access - especially the batarians - made him a little cautious, but the miniscule case which he dragged alongside his person at most held some spare articles of clothing, as well as a few personal effects which hadn't been looted upon Iosif's return to his ransacked apartment, courtesy of the salarian. The rest of his belongings he carried on his person in the form of equipment, otherwise he owned little else in the galaxy. Figuring it was best to get that matter out of the way, he followed Tanya's directions to the storage container and left the case inside, under the faith that the others would have little interest in some random freelancer’s clothes and whatever other worthless personal effects he'd brought along with him. That aside, there was little else for him to do but wait for the others to show up at the hangar. It wasn't as if he'd planned on staying on Cartegena for long and so he'd saved himself the trouble of booking a room at the Inn, and without any other place for him to stop such as the confines of his own shuttle there was only the option of waiting. Part of him wanted to push through it with the aid of a few drinks, but from experience he knew that drinking directly before pulling off something the crew was about to against a company like Siame would've only dragged him into even more trouble. So instead, he took a seat on some discarded storage crate at the far end of the hangar's loading sector and decided to bide his time by watching the other departures and arrivals, making wagers against himself over where he tried to guess where each ship's previous and next destination would've been, and what kind of people owned them. Some were fairly easy to read, like the 'discreet' pirate vessel that had evidently been worn down by years of active piracy in the Terminus Systems, and its owners were even more obvious - two batarians, a krogan and a particularly savage-looking vorcha, and for a moment it's gaze appeared to be fixated upon him with its sharp, pointed teeth bared in his direction. The sight almost unsettled him as vorcha always did, until the krogan suddenly took notice of the vorcha's ogling and smashed it over the back of the head with the barrel of his shotgun. Least to say, the sight of the creature scurrying away towards the rest of the group like a whipped dog was enough to make him chuckle once he was certain that he wasn't being watched anymore, and he couldn't help but consider that it wouldn't have been ill-fitting to see the vorcha being held on a leash by the krogan, like the war varren that pirates so often used. After that, things became rather uneventful and Iosif's thoughts wandered to the job he and the others under Tanya's guiding hand were about to pull-off. The batarians still made him uneasy, but he took some reprieve in the idea of one of them being used as bait as opposed to say, himself, or any of the other ones he'd deemed a little more 'trustworthy' for what it was worth in freelance work. As he'd told himself before, time would tell whether either of the four-eyed bastards would turn on them, but he still had little intention of trusting either for the duration of their little war against Siame. Chances were that Tanya and the others would be showing up any time soon, so Iosif was certain to give his equipment yet another once-over. Unsurprisingly, there was nothing out of place, but the job they were about to pull off required a high degree of precision. Any fuck up would get him killed, imprisoned, or worse, and he had no intention of going back there. Deciding it was time to meet up, he drove his palms into his knees in order to stand up from the storage crate, before heading off towards the direction of the meeting place.