[hider=Alexis]Name: Alexis Age: 14 Gender: Female [img]http://www.awrighton.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/2641e606362d44f65eb3f6deb6e7f551-d5ybqu4.jpg[/img] Ability: to control and make fire to the extent of her will. Mental Ilness: Paranoia and insanity from staring into fire for days on end. Bio: As a child Alexis was alone as her father was dead and her mother worked for some kind of laboratory, she could never find out the name of. Being alone forced her to find some way of having fun that was how she found out about her power. First it was a book she had already read, later it was bonfires in the forest things never got out hand hand cause the flames did what she wanted them to do always just lighting what she wanted on fire, she started bleeding beat by her mother when she didn't do anything all day. She would get beat if her mom had a bad day. She grew paranoid about being beat so she made more fires. The more fires she made the more she lacked social skills and went more crazy. Then one day after a beating she cracked and went total psycho burning her mother person laity before setting there apartment building on fire. She stood out side smiling watching the fire not carring that night car drove up and saw her watching the fire. The man calling the fire department and police right away. Since she didn't seem to start the fire just escaped it she was turned into the asylum since her mother died in it and she had no where else to go. Other: she had discovered that she could stick her hand through fire and not be burn, part of power so she never burns. [/hider]