Leland answered the demon without a beat; "Yes Master, your accommodations are most generous. Thank you." He half meant it too--the sheets, when he had ran his hands over them, had been soft like satin. The wood trimmings of the room were a polished brown and the light fixtures were honestly lovely, setting a dim glow on the tawny walls. There was no denying his new Master had taste...though he wasn't sure why he wasting a whole furnished floor on a pair of slaves. He adjusted his glasses and shifted his weight to the one side, standing in the entrance of his own room. As to the address other question....the other slave was staring at his wall mutely, the reluctance evident in his voice. It didn't take a doctorate in psychology to tell that he was pissed, and Leland didn't really feel like ruining any chances at gaining the Master's trust because of the actions of the other. "Would you prefer I went?" He asked the boy softly, hoping to make it seem like he wanted to make friends.