I just watched an awesome documentary about superheroes and their rise from comics in the 30's and 40's to radio shows, tv serials, lunchboxes, etc. Teens, artists and writers, basically made the industry over night and some even worked in bullpens almost sweatshop like conditions in NYC. It was their escape from the Great Depression and dozens upon dozens of superheroes were created and bought with sticky dimes and lunch money for ten to twenty-five cents an issue. I don't want you to make just a hero, you don't even really have to if you don't want to, you can ask another accepted player if they'd want an inker, writer, colorist or aritst. Basically you'll need to create a character, and then the comic that they're trying to sell regularly. At this point in time only Superman and Batman were big and the two biggest archetypes with everything after falling in between. Make a comic creator and create your own hero or join a gang of boys in the bullpen on the creation of one and list your goals as a creator. Most of these kids would get paid about $3-$5 a page a year for 13 issues of a comic [one a month with an annual issue as well] depending on the size of the book [22 page, 30, 48, up to 100 pages]. Goals as a creator would be for the character you helped bring to life jumping off the page and becoming a tv serial, radio show, or merchandising juggernaut like Superman became with his S showing up on everything. Or to even grow as a creator and do more yourself, create a second superhero later on maybe after the next three big archetypes are introduced in Captain Marvel/Shazam [which made a kid become a superman], Wonder Woman [the first big superheroine that wasn't a sidekick or girlfriend of another hero], and Captain America.[which was the first super successful patriotic character w/ties to the war and fighting Nazi's]. Basically we're in the publication company/workshop/studio and its a lot of young kids, mostly boys, and it was like a highschool with creators competing with each other while becoming friends. Older creators came into the game as well and you can go that route. Batman already introduced the teen sidekick and changed the game as well as the first arch enemy with the Joker. Character Sheets should include: Name: Age: Occupation: [writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer] Character you wish to create: [make an original, and go into it in the RP, but don't go modern day nuts with the super powers. It wasn't called telekinesis by everybody back then, it was just moving stuff with your mind, gotta really dumb stuff down for a younger audience...] Experience: [Just 3-5 months here, we're all aspiring to be the next Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster pair] Goals: do you want to remain with the one character/job, do you want to see the character become a tv serial or radio show, movie, or merchandising sensation? Brief Creator Bio: This doesn't have to be much, describe your home life, if you knew somebody in the war related or not, that kinda character building thing. You can even enlist in the military yourself at some point like several creators did [Stan Lee, Jerry Siegel, Joe Simon, etc...] Notes: Any juicy details we should know from the start? Not sure how this will take off but I'll make a CS myself asap. Should this have been in advanced? ~KL~