My CS, use it as more of a base for what I'm looking for... --- Name: Thomas 'Tom' Sweeny Age: 17 Occupation: writer/artist Character you wish to create: Nightmare [guy in black with a hood and cape, and pale skull like face], who's a hero returned from the grave. Experience: Tom has three months experience with the industry working for United Publications [United Publications will be the studio we're all working out of]. He began lettering a Tom & Jerry type comic before introducing Nightmare to the editor. He was challenged to come up with more material and he got two 22 page issues in the can doing everything but the lettering himself. He's working on his third issue now and the Nightmare will soon show up in Dark Comics #7 with his first issue worth of material being featured in the 48 page monthly [w/two 22 page features and a 4 page back-up]. He's currently trying to get the hero his own name on the cover, Nightmare Comics as he doesn't like the other characters/creators featured in the Dark Comics books. He also hopes to get others' help with some of the art like inking and coloring now that he's introduced the character in full color and depth himself. Goals: Of course Sweeny wants Nightmare to be the next Batman, but right now he'd be fine with graduating out of Dark Comics and getting his own Nightmare Comics so he doesn't have to share work space and pay percentages with his rival Dark Comics creators. Brief Creator Bio: Sweeny has one older sister who moved out when he was 10 who he doesn't see much, a mom who's already close to her 45th birthday, and a father who's over seas in the war. In 1940, Tom and his Irish family dealt with poverty and racism until Mrs. Sweeny's son brought home $44 after selling his first original character's 22 page story to Dark Comics' editor. Notes: This RP will be about a bunch of us basically doing what I do with my fellow RP'ers in titanpad chats all day, discussing creating heroes and writing about a fictional creator as well. These kids would work tons of hours trying to make the $5 a page like the bigger names who's characters had been around a couple years now [Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Bob Kane], and when falling asleep at the drawing board some of these kids, many of them imigrants, would talk smack [we just won't go racist]. Some had agendas and just wanted a guy to get somebody fired and psyche them out, but many of them became better creators and friends. --- ~KL~