[CENTER][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/Imperial_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Empire_of_Austria_%281815%29.svg/800px-Imperial_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Empire_of_Austria_%281815%29.svg.png[/img] [B]Kaiserthum Oesterreich[/B] The Austrian Empire[/CENTER] The Austrian Empire assures the Kingdom of Prussia that it has the interests of the German Confederation and the German people in mind. It also ensures the German Confederation that the Austrian Emperor, also the President of the German Confederation, prioritizes the advancement of the German people. However, the Austrian Empire decidedly ignores the questions posed by the Minister-President of the Kingdom of Prussia. This ambassador believes that these questions intend to antagonize the French Empire and her allies in a time where a careful peace is being maintained between the French and German peoples. The Austrian Empire reminds the Kingdom of Prussia that the French Empire is a fellow signatory of the Treaty of Constantinople is a partner to the German Confederation in maintaining peace on the European continent. It also reminds the Kingdom of Prussia that the French Empire willing ceded Elsass-Lothringen to the German Confederation, and as a signatory of the Treaty of Constantinople, gave its support to the Kingdom of Prussia in claiming Holstein-Schleswig in the name of the German Confederation. This ambassador sees no reason to dignify these questions with a response when the French Emperor has thus far given the German Confederation no reason to believe that France or her allies intend harm upon the German people. Once again, the Austrian Empire reminds the Kingdom of Prussia that it is also a signatory of the Treaty of Constantinople and should be working to maintain peace on the European continent. More so, it reminds the Kingdom of Prussia that the Federal Diet and the Federal Fortresses of the German Confederation of for the German Confederation and its inhabitants and not an instrument for the advancement of any one member-state. The Austrian Empire maintains the belief that the interests of the German Confederation may be advanced through peaceful means, but in the event of war, the Austrian Empire and its allies within the German Confederation will undoubtedly stand in defense of the German people.