As Jhino heard the words he looked up at the roof wondering if the boy was right. Kino continued on and Jhino listened saying nothing in return. It seemed like Jhino hadn't moved at all since sitting down. He was a perfect statue. It was then that their third teammate appeared, dropping from the roof. It was something about him then that seemed as if he had been shocked or stunned. However this was removed just as quickly as he noticed and Agini spoke and introduced himself with a bow. Jhino turned towards him spoke. "Jhino." He then turned his head forward and went back into the statue like state he came from. In his head he was making various observations of his teammates. Kino was a ranged fighter who used a bow. Agini was a water release user with a special hiden. A smirk crept across his face as he began to speak. "Come, sit with me." He said to both his teammates. "I have a feeling things are going to be starting soon."