Alright here's the deal peeps. You are part of the crew and/or passengers of a giant expedition ship called The Moonlight as it travels beyond the Solar System to expand our knowledge of space, should the colony find a habitable planet, it will settle there and attempt to contact the UN... in theory. [quote=Isotope] So a transit RP? If you flesh it out considerably i would be interested.As it stands the ideas seems a tad skimpy. [/quote] Yeah, I got the idea out of nowhere and didn't want to forget so I wrote a quick 'Lore Letter' if you will. For the entirety of this RP, everything will take place on the ship ( Maybe I'll do a couple of posts dedicated for when the colony gets to Mars) I will continue to work on the Ideas and will even take suggestions. Hopefully enough people will be interested to where we can get it off the ground.