Hibiki sighed as he strolled out into the courtyard, he hadn't been here long and he still hadn't really gotten to know anybody yet. He dusted down his uniform a little as he shouldered his back pack with a sigh. "Guess I'll go find a club to join, about time I did" he said, half to himself and half to Mizuchi who appeared behind him as if stepping out of the very air itself. "You should join one of the martial arts clubs, or kendo, you know your grandfather wants you to continue your training" the white haired man said, strolling behind the young teenager. They seemed an odd pair, the small quiet Hibiki with the tall, handsome Mizuchi whose ever shifting kimono fluttered in the slight breeze. Hibiki nodded as they moved along, "I know, but I could just train alone. I was thinking of joining a more quiet club" he said, looking over at Mizuchi as if expecting him to decide for him. Mizuchi scowled slightly, frustrated once again that Hibiki looked to him for instructions instead of taking the initiative. "It is your decision, the school offers plenty of opportunities to strengthen yourself in and out of the classroom" was all he said, hoping Hibiki would do what he wanted for himself rather than what he was just expected to do. Hibiki seemed to be thinking on this and before long they found themselves before the clubs board, the strange pairing looking at the lists of various clubs. "What to choose" was all Hibiki softly said.