[CENTER][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/Imperial_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Empire_of_Austria_%281815%29.svg/800px-Imperial_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Empire_of_Austria_%281815%29.svg.png[/img] [B]Kaiserthum Oesterreich[/B] The Austrian Empire[/CENTER] To our brothers within the German Confederation, do not allow the Kingdom of Prussia to pull the wool over your eyes. When the Minister-President of the Kingdom of Prussia speaks of conviction, he really speaks of discrediting the Austrian Empire and expanding the Kingdom of Prussia’s clout within the German Confederation. The Austrian Empire urges its allies to recognize the defense of the German Confederation as a collaborative effort between all member-states and that any single member-state taking the helm of its defenses means surrendering sovereignty to that state. If the Kingdom of Prussia petitions the Federal Diet that Austrian garrisons be evicted from Federal Fortresses, this Emperor urges the member-states of the German Confederation to vote a resounding nay. The Minister-President of the Kingdom of Prussia attempts to twist our words and vilify us in an attempt to further its own interests within the German Confederation at the expense of the Austrian Empire. The Austrian Empire stands by the Treaty of Constantinople and will do all it can to ensure that peace is maintained on the European continent. The Austrian Empire once more recognizes the French Empire’s generosity in transferring Elsass-Lothringen to the German Confederation. In the interest of maintaining warm diplomatic relations with the outside world, the Austrian Empire outright refuses to condemn the French Empire as an enemy of the German Confederations or the French people as enemies of Germans. We recognize that that the French Empire has been more than cooperative with ensuring that ethnic Germans are brought into the fold of the Confederation. The President-Minister speaks of commitment, but how can one truly commit to peace when he is publishing rhetoric denouncing both his brothers within the German Confederation and his allies abroad who so generously supported the liberation of Holstein-Schleswig from the Dane? Once more, the Austrian Empire commits itself fully to the advancement of the German Confederation, all the while denouncing the foolishness of this posturing. Together with the other Great Powers of Europe, we have worked tirelessly to bring Elsass-Lothringen and Holstein-Schleswig into the fold of the German Confederation, and yet, the Kingdom of Prussia calls us traitors? Remember, compatriots, the last two years were won through diplomacy, not war, and the Austrian Empire and the other Great Powers have proven that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword. Consider this when you cast your vote. Consider your sons and grandsons. Will they work together with their fellow man, both home and abroad, or will they redden the battlefields with their blood because some within the Confederation are more interested in making war than maintaining a peace which has thus far seen the peaceful restoration of German lands to the Confederation? Because of the Treaty of Constantinople, and thanks to the combined efforts of the Great Powers, the French Empire included, German populations beyond the Confederation now reside happily within its borders. Once more, compatriots, remember that! The Austrian Empire undoubtedly prioritizes the advancement of both the German Confederation and the German people, and we have the last two years to look back upon as evidence of that. May we bring peace to Europe and prosperity to all. - Franz Joseph I, Austrian Emperor