The alleyway leading toward the triangular intersection of Stevens Street Archer cursed as he slung his SMG, taking out his DMR and bringing it to bear. He watched as he saw a plasma grenade arc overhead and land near Acosta. He figured she'd move, but after the last operation he was worried about losing more helljumpers, so he hesitated for a moment to watch. He'd seen the results of plasma grenades detonating next to marines before... he turned the corner quickly and he could see the flaring shields of the Elite that Acosta had fired out, and took aim with his DMR. He fired four shots from his DMR off at it, and the shields flickered... and then died. He fired three more shots off, cracking the Elites armour and placing the shots on his chest. It fell backwards onto the floor, firing it's plasma rifle off randomly as it clenched it's fists in pain. He watched as the grunts opened fire with plasma in his direction, and spun back into it, watching the plasma pass by his head. Archer could feel the heat of the plasma even through his armour, and clenched his teeth. Those grunts had been close... He held against the wall, listening out for them with his weapon clenched in hand. attention. He prepared to pop out again and open fire, but a plasma bolt hit the wall and the super heated dust of the building rained down from the impact. They were still looking his way then, if he popped out now he'd likely be melted by plasma. With some luck, dropping the main Elite would cause the two grunts closest to panic and fall back. If not... he'd just have to hope someone either got them or got their attention. He glanced over to Acosta, checking her status after the grenade. She was one of the best at her job he'd seen, just as the other GHOST's were the best at theirs. He didn't want to see another casualty, especially after that disaster of the last mission...