[b]Before the second flashbang[/b] As soon as he heard his flashbang detonate, Ross poked his head out from behind the corner once more. The Covenant squad looked disoriented and confused; one of the Grunts even shot another in the face. Tenjer and Anders were making short work of the dazed troops, although McCoy was still in a spot of trouble. He scowled, looking down to his shotgun. At this range, he was nothing more than a flashbang dispenser. His pistol could probably dish out enough pain to the smaller soldiers, but if he attracted the attention of one the Elites, things would get a bit nasty. Patrick peered around the corner again, pausing as he made a realization. They hadn't seen him. None of the Covenant had any idea he was here, otherwise there'd be at least a bit of plasma fire directed towards him. Hell, they hadn't even [b]looked[/b] in his direction. He exhaled, waiting a second before he broke cover, dashing over to the northern wall. The Covenant were dropping like flies, and the Zealot appeared to have vanished after he took a flare to the face. There were only a few Jackals left, with one Elite advancing on the eastern ODSTs. Those Jackals were toast, but the Elite might prove a problem if Tenjer, Anders and Brewer couldn't get enough shots off fast enough. Patrick drew his pistol, squeezing off a few shots at the Alien's back. It's shields wouldn't be penetrated, but if he could get it to hesitate for just a- [b]BANG[/b] His vision suddenly went white, pain spreading through his eyes. He stumbled, halting his advance to try and avoid falling over. "Ah F-Fuck!" In the commotion, he hadn't been paying attention to his squad radio. Brewer's flashbang had caught him off guard, forcing him to slump against the nearby wall. Ballistic gunfire sounded in his ears. Hopefully his squadmates had cleaned up, and nobody had noticed his little blunder.