*Thread will be updated as things fall into place* RECRUITMENT: [ [b]OPEN[/b] ] Basically this will be set in a modern metropolis, however it will have certain elements that are futuristic. No flying cars or space travel, however there are laser-based weapons, advanced telecommunications, certain "medical advances" and the police have small patrol drones, for example. The government is attempting to keep the peace and create a utopia of happy citizens, however not everybody buys it. Those against the government do what they can to disrupt and try to change the minds of the populace, but at what cost? There are different sectors of the city (North Brook, Downtown, South Brook), as well as points of interest, that can be either gained or lost by either side. Deep on the government side, intersections are covered with cameras, jumbo screens and patrol drones, while deep in the resistance side you'll see a more chaotic scene that focuses more on territory control. So what will it be? Are you going to grab a bandana and pistol and fight for freedom, or strap on body armor, grab an assault rifle and help the Mayor keep the utopia going strong? Welcome to the city of Averton. [center][b]+ Points of Interest +[/b][/center] *City Hall *ASF HQ (Averton Security Forces) *DoT HQ (Department of Technology) *Power Plant Beta *Power Plant Delta *Averton Detention Center (ADC) [large prison] *Slate Adjustment Facility (SAF) [think experiments and "rehabilitation" programs] *Shadow Hunt Enclave (resistance faction) *Sons of Averton Enclave (resistance faction) *Resistance Enclave 3 ( ? ) *Lucky Lines Casino *Loose Moose Bar *Averton International Airport *more? Some notable positions that would need to be filled: *Shadow Hunt (resistance faction) [OPEN] *Sons of Averton (resistance faction) [OPEN] *Resistance Faction leader 3 ( ? ) *ASF Commander (strictly government) [OPEN] *ADC Warden (strictly government) [OPEN] *SAF Director (strictly government) [OPEN] *Casino Owner (can be neutral) [OPEN] *Loose Moose owner (can be neutral) [OPEN] *more? [hider=Character Sheet]Name: Age: Gender: Faction: (government, resistance, neutral?) Area of Expertise: (spy, gunner, melee, etc or not applicable) Personality: Strengths: (at least 3) Weaknesses: (at least 3) Background: (brief history of their life) Appearance: (overall description including any distinguishing features/marks. Picture would be nice, no anime pics though, please)[/hider] [center]+ Rules +[/center] *All of the Site Rules *Don't God Mod/Power Play *Keep violence/swearing/romance in-check with what's allowed on the site *You must have an approved character sheet *You may switch sides during the roleplay, though lets try and keep each side even in terms of numbers/players *Don't fight in OOC, if you have a problem with somebody, PM them or myself and I'll assist *Decent grasp of grammar is preferred *1-2 paragraphs a post is preferred. No "free" replies, please *Communicate. If you need or want to leave, PM me so we can see what to do about your character. Please have the ability to be active if you have a major role such as ASF Commander, Resistance Leader, etc. If you disappear, your character will probably be killed off and replaced. *Am I missing anything? [center][b]+ Accepted Characters/Roster +[/b][/center] [u][ GOVERNMENT ][/u] [hider=The Mayor]Name: Matthew Bradshaw Age: 32 Gender: Male Faction: Government Area of Expertise: Mainly politics. Has training in small firearms. Personality: Charming and has a way with words. Strengths: Ambitious, determined, intelligent, manipulative, wealthy Weaknesses: Paranoia, has a need to be in control, stubborn, lacks true empathy Background: Matthew is the oldest of two sons. He had a typical upbringing, but had the advantage of a privileged household which allowed him to get an advanced degree a Averton State University. His father was mayor for multiple terms before falling ill, prompting his resignation and subsequently, Matthew's rise to power. Matthew had a sweeping victory in the polls, promising to continue his father's legacy and to weed out the criminals of the city. Appearance: 6'0", 185lbs, short brown hair, light green eyes [center][img=http://oi61.tinypic.com/rkal2g.jpg][/center][/hider] [hider="Omicron"]Codename: "Omicron" Real Name: Unknown Age: Unknown Gender: Unknown Faction: Government Area of Expertise: Hacker, strategist Personality: Cold and calculating, Omicron will not hesitate to sacrifice the life of anyone under his control provided that the benefit outweighs the cost. Appearance: Unknown. Omicron always gives orders from behind a computer-generated swirling kaleidoscopic pattern with a digitally distorted voice. Strengths: Hacker Omicron is the master of hacking. There is no system he cannot break into, no data he cannot retrieve and no communications he cannot tap. Chessmaster If anyone is the Chessmaster, it's Omicron. He lays out elaborate plans and manoeuvres his pawns into place to checkmate the King. These pawns are often the government's troops, but can also be civilians, objects or even members of the resistance unwittingly manipulated. Hidden Nobody knows what Omicron looks like or where he is. This is tolerated by the government because of his spotless record of both loyalty and mission completion. This makes it extremely hard for anyone working against him to find any way to stop him directly. Sociopathy Omicron is not truly human. He is cold and unfeeling, caring nothing for the lives or happiness of others. He sees them only as pieces to be used in the completion of his goals. This makes it impossible to provoke him or draw him out with a hostage situation or other threat to people's lives. Weaknesses: Hidden Nobody knows what Omicron looks like or where he is. If he ever gets in trouble, then it's very possible that nobody will be there to help him. Sociopathy Omicron is not truly human. He is cold and unfeeling, caring nothing for the lives or happiness of others. He sees them only as pieces to be used in the completion of his goals. This can breed resentment against him and means that he lacks true allies. Distanced Because Omicron is never physically there, he relies on reports and messages to determine what's occurring. Cut off the reports and you render him powerless. Background: Unknown[/hider] [hider= Mallory Cameron]Name: Mallory 'Mal' Cameron Age: 27 Gender: Male Faction: Special Response Initiative (Government counter-terrorism organization) Area of Expertise: Heavy gunnery, demolitions, riot control Personality: Friendly and warm-hearted, Mallory is the last person you would expect to be part of the elite SRI. A risk-taker with a strong moral compass, he doesn't hesitate to break or bend rules in order to do what he thinks is right. Strengths: - Explosives expert: To Mallory, the usage of explosives is an art form. He is a genius with any sort of explosives, be it rudimentary black powder bombs or advanced plastic explosives, knowing how to shape, prime and fire them in order to achieve maximum destructive efficiency with minimal collateral damage. - Tactical planner: Although he is not a 'big picture' sort of person, he is capable enough to be trusted with leading small-scale operations where speed and success takes precedence over all other considerations. - Chaotic Good: Does what is right. The rules can go screw themselves. - Skilled and strong: Military-grade hand-to-hand training, coupled with his natural strength makes him a very dangerous and tough opponent in close quarters. Weaknesses: - Morally conflicted: While he works for the Government, he disagrees with them on some issues and has turned away more extreme missions before. This had earned him a black mark on his name, meaning that his chance of being promoted is incredibly slim. It also makes him a target for government surveillance. - Go loud or go home: As a demolitions expert, he has very little experience in being stealthy. The missions which require finesse and clandestine work often relegates him to the backup, shit-hits-the-fan extraction squad. - Chaotic Good: Has been caught breaking the rules before, but his otherwise spotless track record and high success rate has protected him from further investigation...So far. Background: Mallory was, by all accounts, a very normal and very average child. He did not stand out from his peers at all and never pushed himself to do better than what was expected of him. Like his father before him, he joined the military once he was of age, but found himself transferred to the Special Response Initiative, where they thought his skill in close combat would be better used. For the first few years, he carried out his missions with enthusiasm, eagerly putting down resistance cells, capturing rebels and putting them in prison. However, as he interrogated more and more rebels, as well as entering the larger regional headquarters of various rebel groups, he began to see things from their point of view. He began to see just how the government, while meaning well, had long since overstepped its boundaries. It was this gradual exposure to the rebel ideals that opened his eyes, and made him decide that sometimes, the law is not always right. As a squad-level commander, he tries his best to prevent his men from being too tough on captured rebels. He does his best to be as lenient as possible towards rebels who are merely speaking their mind, but he will also do his utmost to lock away those who use violent methods and harm innocent civilians. Mallory threads a very thin line between the government and the rebels, and only time will tell how that will work out for him. Appearance: Mallory stands at a relatively tall height of 5'9", with dark brown hair and eyes of the same colour. His hair is kept short, as per SRI regulations. His slender build hides his true strength, and often he uses that to his advantage. He usual attire when on duty consists of his black, grey and white camouflage uniform, his maroon beret and a pair of steel-toe boots. When on a mission, he simply throws body armour and a load bearing vest over his usual clothes and swaps his beret for a combat helmet.[/hider] [u][ RESISTANCE ][/u]