[hider=Far Cry 2 Horse] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/194/8/1/pone_cry_2___the_dove_by_aaronmk-d7qkefy.png[/img] “"The target's presence in the region continues to be a destabilizing influence to our feeding. She is largely responsible for the influx of magic into the region, in clear violation of the survival framework. Her reputation as a dangerous dealer is well-deserved. Orders - are – to – terminate." “Well that didn't turn out the way they planned. I'm still breathing and YOU'RE the one with malaria. You can tell them you tried but that means nothing, doesn't it? “You're fired. You know it and so do I. You had your shot, but now it's over. And since ponies like you work for money, you're no longer my problem. You'll have to find something else to do with yourself now. “What your old clients don't understand is that they can't kill me. You understand what I'm saying? No pony kills me. “NO PONY! “I'm the pretty pony princess. I'll decide – Me. “You know, there's a book I read a long time ago, from Twilight's library. I still think about it, every day. It helps me understand life out here. The book talks about ponies – about what motivates them. It's simple really: “A living being seeks only to discharge its strength. Life itself is will to power. Nothing else matters." “So long.” [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/195/d/e/pone_cry_2___infamy_by_aaronmk-d7qo5qc.png[/img] “You can't break a pony you can a dog, or a baby dragon. The harder you beat a pony, the stronger they stand. To break a pony, break his spirit you got to break his mind. “Ponies - zebras – have this idea they can fight with dignity. There's a proper way to love somepony. It's absurd. We need to endure living together, fighting together. “You must destroy that idea. Show them how messy a thing it is to kill, to love. And then show them you relish in it. Shoot the feels, then execute the feeled. Burn them. Take them in close. Destroy their preconceptions on what love is and you will become their personal monster. And they will love you – fear you. “And when you love you, you become stronger. You become better. “But let's never forget. It's a display. A Dambe posture. A Manticore's roar. A dragon thumping its tail. If you loose yourself to the display. If you succumb to the horror – the love- of what you become, then you become the monster. “You become reduced. Less than a pony. But more than a beast. And that can be fatal.” [/hider]