Will watched the fight further unfold. As a support, he sent waterballs in every direction. Either to stop a charging vygorn or hydrate and strengthen Thema's vines at an increased rate. He looked around, counting the number of Elementals before him. Oh shit... Where's ice? Where's Cora? He darted his head around like a meerkat. Where the hell did she go? He formed a ball of water on the ground and formed Tsunami. [i]Tsunami, search for Cora.[/i] he thought and the water wolf immediately followed a scent. He darted along a path and Will followed, leaving puddles for the others to follow as a trail. Minutes of running and sniffing and stopping, until he reached snow. "Yep, Cora." he said to himself. It layered over a military base and men in black, like the vygorn scouts from earlier patrolled the perimeter. Tsunami splashed into a puddle as Will stealthily crept to a metal fence. He secured his Fedora, straightened it and formed water around his fists. No violence till necessary. He made his way behind a truck then looked down. Blood... It trailed of into a large tent Will was about to make a break for the tent but all of a sudden his face was in the snow. He pushed himself up but immediately fell down again, knocked out cold. When Will finally opened his eyes. He was handcuffed and in cell in the tent. He was about to ask if they found him to himself when a pain throbbed in the back of his head. He grunted, then looked to his right. "Cora?!" he yelled to her.