[center][i]In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit....[/center][/i] --- A cold wind cut through the warm dawn, and shifted the leaves on the trees. A fitting entrance for his morbid arrival. Unwavering even now, the dark clad priest placed his horse into a slow trot, a much needed break from the rapid gallop throughout the night. A stallion as black as his own cloak, Father Valek rode through the morning woods. Reports had informed him of a traveling caravan, one filled with degenerates and sinners who's mere existence was a blemish to humanity. Witches. Those who practiced in the dark arts had no place in God's Kingdom. He could see it now. A camp laid out in secrecy. The caravan mentioned from earlier. And from what he could see, all these rumors of witches seemed to be true. Beings who flaunted around showing off their inherit abilities....how it disgusted him. Although he remained at the forest entrance edge, he was still able to pick up faint traces of conversation. Most notable was the flamboyant blonde man who proclaimed their objectives of moving locations. A local village it seemed. Riddled with Clergy? Pathetic. Those men who had committed themselves to hunting these filth were usualy nothing more than self-profiting bouty hunters or even drunken fools who got a kick out of needless bloodshed. But not Valek. A man of God, his reasons were much more pure. He would deliver swift judgement and God's divine love by freeing these poor sinners from their mortals shells. Death was but one boundary to the afterlife. And so he waited and watched in silence, his eyes shifting from one individual to the next, studying and listening as much as he could. Tonight, he would make his move. In the dark, he will judge. But for now, all he would do is observe, hidden by the shadows of the forests. --- [center][i]Thy Father watch over us in Heaven above....Amen.[/center][/i]