[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/M2O78ez.png[/img] [b]Brussels, The Netherlands; An address by King William III, transcribed and delivered by missive to the governments of Prussia, France, Italy and Britain,[/b][/center] Every treaty ever written has been built on the scattered ashes of the treaty preceding it. We live in an age where every sovereign affair of every nation in Europe is decided upon by treaty, by an agreement coerced onto that nation's government, rather than by nation will. A few naive men in Constantinople might think that to be the natural way to govern a continent, but if the current affairs of Europe, if the rising tensions that have grown and festered since the Treaty of Constantinople was enacted are any indication, that style of governance is inept and unresponsive. Flanders and the Netherlands are one nation. I feel as strongly for the Flemish as I do for Hollanders and the people of Drenthe or Groningen. My title, the King of the Netherlands, is not restricted to any specific portion of the Dutch homeland. I am the King of the Dutch, your King. I was born in this very city! I am as much a foreigner to you as any of your neighbours. It is unfortunate that war had to be waged to unite you with your northern brothers, to bring me back to my homeland. Unfortunate, but absolutely necessary. The Frenchmen that ruled over you before would not surrender you willingly. You are a proud people with a prosperous land, and they did not earn your place into their 'nation' fairly in the first place, so I knew, and the Royal Netherlands Army knew, that they would not yield to fairness and justice in returning you. When the armies that came to liberate Flanders reached Brussels, King Leopold fled. He retreated to France. This complicates the matter of signing peace with him. Perhaps he thought that I had some ridiculous plan to execute him or keep him locked in some tower somewhere. Let me start by saying that I am insulted by such fears, but continue with a declaration of understanding. If Leopold returns to me here, in the Netherlands, in Flanders, no harm is going to come to him. I merely wish to finalize the peace process, and return the Lowlands to how they ought be. The same matter goes for the Belgian navy, now docked in French harbours. If the French are not interested in attempting to restore Napoleon's imperium over the Netherlands, than I see no reason for them to continue to hold onto Dutch ships, or the King of Belgium. Return both, and we can have a sincere, lasting peace. If Leopold comes to the table amicably and brings the Belgian Navy with him, the future of Wallonia can be discussed upon his arrival. Until then, in the interest of continued unity of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Wallonia shall be militarily occupied by the Royal Dutch Army. --- [b][u][center] The Treaty of Brussels [/center][/u][/b] I. The region of Flanders, in full, is hereby recognized to be a constituent territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. II. King William I, sovereign of the Kingdom of Prussia and King William III, sovereign of the Kingdom of the Netherlands both hereby denounce the neutrality of the former territory of Neutral Moresnet, which is recognized by both countries to be integral territory of the Kingdom of Prussia. III. King William III, King of the Netherlands, hereby surrenders the title of Grand Duke of Luxembourg to King William I, King of Prussia. IV. King William I, sovereign of the Kingdom of Prussia, hereby recognizes that the Duchy of Limburg is an integral territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and is not a part of any German confederation or in any way politically united with any political entity but the Kingdom of the Netherlands. V. The region of Wallonia, in full, is hereby recognized to be a region of the Kingdom of Belgium militarily occupied by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, pending negotiation with the sovereign of the Kingdom of Belgium. Until such time as negotiations can take place, the Belgian acceptance of this treaty shall be signed by King William III, in his facility as King of the Netherlands, as per the unconditional surrender of the Belgian forces to the authority of the Kingdom of the Netherlands When peace is formally agreed between the sovereign of Belgium and the sovereign of the Netherlands, it will be finalized by the signing of this treaty by the sovereign of Belgium. [X] King William III, King of the Netherlands. [X] King William I, King of Prussia, Grand Duke of Luxembourg.