I've been thinking of dropping Thaler since before the guildcrash, I even mentioned it once to Dj. I've been putting it off and putting it off and putting it off hoping things would get better and briefly they did but now I'm right back to wanting to do anything but post in this. With an influx of new characters, all of which are no doubt (going by their race descriptions) going to be fighter types (as I didn't see any mention of magic in the descriptions up to the point I read) I think it really will be utterly pointless to play her. I can tell you now how the next few encounters will go. They'll get to Zerul, she'll try and hand herself in to the guards for the gold for the group because hey. She's a criminal and as Aemoten said people have probably hung for her. He'll somehow magically know what she's thinking and use guilt trips and or emotional black mail to stop her before resorting to just using physical force. At which point he'll have a go at her for what she attempted to do and she'll be babysat until they leave. Assuming no fights break out in Zerul (if they do Aemoten will try and do things peacefully, Jaelnec will look to Aemoten for 'orders' and Olan will be Olan. When peace doesn't work because it never bloody does a fight will break out where Jaelnec will spend a good portion of his time taking out one or two opponents while Aemoten seemingly effortlessly slaughters the other 10 or so, Thaler spends the entire scene figuring out what to do because she's not sure what she'll get yelled at for doing more.) they will leave the city and no doubt run into more trouble where Aemoten will try and find a peaceful solution, it won't work, a fight breaks out, Jaelnec spends the scene fighting off and besting two or three enemies and Aemoten kills the rest taking minor/severe wounds as necessary but, thanks to his god, being up and ready to go within a few minutes while Jaelnec still stumbles about from his own wounds. Thaler will hang back now too confused to figure out what she is supposed to be doing, what she's allowed to do and what she'll be yelled at for less. They'll bump onto new people, no doubt in a middle of a fight and lather, rinse repeat the above. Now really, when all your character can do is what other people tell them to do otherwise YOU and your character are criticized for it, would you REALLY want to play them still? Now you're going to say about me assuming again but say they aren't say they're totally different from their race descriptions, or they're surprising, or they're outcasts and somehow they've traversed most of the world and ironically just ended up where our party is or is headed next. Let's pretend they have a purpose to serve other than smashing peoples heads in...I still have to play Thaler, as broken as she currently is, doing everything she's told to the letter because between Rilon and Aemoten (and Olan's near death experience) she's too fucking scared to do anything else because she now basically sees herself as the fuck up her grand father said she was. Her only use to be eventually to get Jaelnec to the level of knight and serve as a rather inane sort of mascot for the group. That is NOT how I wrote her, I wrote her to be a cocky, hot headed, strong willed, sneak thief whose very job was not fighting but to get people in and out of tough spots WITHOUT fighting because she's a THIEF not a fighter. In her entire past life she'd killed less than 5 people I'd say, fought a dozen maybe and ran away from hundreds. In the IC week and a bit she's been with the group she's killed, fought and attacked many more people while trying to fit into the mold of the group she's joined while being pushed, pulled and torn into different directions. Yes, as a character she has 'grown' from that time where she had to decide whether or not to go help with the vampires and whether or not to jump out that tree and save Jaelnec from otherwise inevitable death but it's not been a GOOD growth. She's distorted, twisted and miserable, if Olan weren't watching she'd probably kill herself now and the only reason I haven't written herself doing so is because it's a lame way to end a character and I knew I'd get a lot of OOC backlash for it. Look it from my point of view in an IC week she's gone from carefree, laughing, joking, happy and a bit mischievous. To downright miserable, terrified, angry and not even sure why, suicidal and utterly useless. To answer your question I am fine, I've just been biting my tongue too long and decided I didn't want to anymore. I'm tired, I'm frustrated and I want to quit.