[quote=cthulu]Aemoten seemingly effortlessly slaughters the other 10 or so[/quote]Aemoten has never taken upon more than a handful of opponents during an entire battle, excluding the time they were fighting goblins... And not once (excluding the goblins) has he successfully taken upon more than one at a time. It wouldn't be realistic, and I do not write in this manner. If you so desire, I may add up some numbers and give you his exact count for each encounter. (For the record - he has also been healing Jaelnec, at the cost of his own long-term health, and has often been worse off after conflicts even after healing.) He also knows Thaler is unwell and possibly suicidal, but he has no idea she would try to hand herself in. And *never* before the Rilon scene did someone as much as tell your character what to do, besides asking whether she would be fine with keeping watch or something. I am aware there has been a lot of fighting, and all characters have suffered from it. Aemoten - atop of being simply incapable of the feats you mentioned - is also primarily a thinker, not brute force battler. I am metagaming a bit, but I predict Thaler would have her time. It is not *good* to have all fighters. I'onriyi is a mage, and Legion's character does not hold up in meleƩ combat all too well, either (to note non-meleƩ characters). Do we have anyone who can lockpick? No, we don't. Merc's character, maybe, but he isn't half as active as you are... The last affair with the gods wrecked all characters, not just Thaler. She was happy on the evening before, was she not? Give her some time. I would be lying if I said a witty and enthusiastic Thaler isn't preferable to a quiet and depressed one. EDIT: If we leave out the goblins (which most killed plenty of, and which I can't bother to sum up at the moment), Aemoten hasn't even made ten kills in [i]total[/i] since I entered him to the RP... Seriously. I just counted. It was a bit surprising to me, too... I thought he would have somewhere between dozen and two dozen by now.